Begin on beat 17
S 1 {1-8} R Diag Step Lock, Shuffle Fwd Diag, L-Rock Rec, Coaster
1 2Step R to fwd diag, Step L behind R (1:30)
3&4Step R to fwd diag, Step L beside R, Step R to fwd diag
5 6Adjust to 12:00: Rock L fwd, Recover on R (12:00)
7&8Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
S 2 {9-16} R Mambo-fwd, Mambo-left, Step 1/2 Turn left Step, Step-Lock-Step fwd diag
1&2Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R slightly back
3&4Rock L to left, Recover on R, Step L slightly fwd
5 6Step R fwd, Turn 1/2 left and step L down (6:00)
7&8Step R to fwd diag., Step L behind R, Step R fwd to diag. (long steps here) (7:30)
S 3 {17-24} L-left Tog, Rolling Vine left, R-Rock-right Rec, Coaster
1 2Adjust to 6:00: Step L to left with sway, Step R beside L (bump right hip up) (6:00)
3&4Turn 1/4 left and step L fwd, Turn 1/2 left and step R back, Turn 1/4 left and step L to left
(steps small here –tight turn)
5 6Rock R to right with sway, Recover on L with hip bump
7&8Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R fwd (still 6:00)
S 4 {25-32} L-Fwd 1/4 turn right Step L-Front, Vine right w/Cross, Scissors RL
1&2Step L fwd, Turn 1/4 right and step R down, Step L in front of R (9:00)
3&4&Step R to right, Step L behind R, Step R to right, Cross L over R (small steps here)
*During Wall 5 stop here and restart as Wall 6 while facing 9:00
5&6Step R to right, Step L beside R, Cross R over L
7&8Step L to left, Step R beside L, Step L in front of R
*Wall 5 (12:00): Dance {1-28&} then begin Wall 6 facing 9:00
Easy to pick up this Restart- music is noticeably different, Restart after Vine right w/Cross
Dance ends facing 12:00 :-) Enjoy!
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your
website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact
details on this script. Contact: willbeys@aol.com
[ http://bobbeywillson.weebly.com ]
S 1 {1-8} R Diag Step Lock, Shuffle Fwd Diag, L-Rock Rec, Coaster
1 2Step R to fwd diag, Step L behind R (1:30)
3&4Step R to fwd diag, Step L beside R, Step R to fwd diag
5 6Adjust to 12:00: Rock L fwd, Recover on R (12:00)
7&8Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
S 2 {9-16} R Mambo-fwd, Mambo-left, Step 1/2 Turn left Step, Step-Lock-Step fwd diag
1&2Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R slightly back
3&4Rock L to left, Recover on R, Step L slightly fwd
5 6Step R fwd, Turn 1/2 left and step L down (6:00)
7&8Step R to fwd diag., Step L behind R, Step R fwd to diag. (long steps here) (7:30)
S 3 {17-24} L-left Tog, Rolling Vine left, R-Rock-right Rec, Coaster
1 2Adjust to 6:00: Step L to left with sway, Step R beside L (bump right hip up) (6:00)
3&4Turn 1/4 left and step L fwd, Turn 1/2 left and step R back, Turn 1/4 left and step L to left
(steps small here –tight turn)
5 6Rock R to right with sway, Recover on L with hip bump
7&8Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R fwd (still 6:00)
S 4 {25-32} L-Fwd 1/4 turn right Step L-Front, Vine right w/Cross, Scissors RL
1&2Step L fwd, Turn 1/4 right and step R down, Step L in front of R (9:00)
3&4&Step R to right, Step L behind R, Step R to right, Cross L over R (small steps here)
*During Wall 5 stop here and restart as Wall 6 while facing 9:00
5&6Step R to right, Step L beside R, Cross R over L
7&8Step L to left, Step R beside L, Step L in front of R
*Wall 5 (12:00): Dance {1-28&} then begin Wall 6 facing 9:00
Easy to pick up this Restart- music is noticeably different, Restart after Vine right w/Cross
Dance ends facing 12:00 :-) Enjoy!
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your
website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact
details on this script. Contact: willbeys@aol.com
[ http://bobbeywillson.weebly.com ]