Start on vocals
Section 1: L shuffle, R shuffle, ½ pivot step, run R,L,R
1&2Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward,
3&4Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward,
5&6Step L forward, Pivot ½ turn over R shoulder,
7&8Run forward R, L, R
Section 2: L, shuffle, R shuffle, ½ pivot step, run R,L,R
1&2Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward,
3&4Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward,
5&6Step L forward, Pivot ½ turn over R shoulder,
7&8Run forward R, L, R
Section 3: L heel dig x 2 coaster step, R heel dig x 2 coaster step
1&2&L heel dig, L heel dig,
3&4Step L back, step R together, Step L forward
5&6&R heel dig, R heel dig,
7&8Step R back, step L together, Step R forward
Section 4: L rock cross, R rock cross, vine L, vine R ¼ turn
1&2L rock to L side, cross L over R
3&4R rock to R side, cross R over L
5&6Step L to L side, Step R behind, Step L to L side,
7&8Step R to r side, Step L behind, Step R ¼ turn R, Step Left together
Section 5: Point L, point R
1&2&Point L to L side, step L together, point R to R side, step R together
Section 6: L heel step, R heel step, L side together, R heel step L heel step R side together
1,2,3-4Step L heel forward, step L together, Step R heel forward, Step R together, Step L to L Side, drag R together, hold.
5,6,7-8Step R heel forward, Step R together, Step L heel forward, Step L together, Step R to R side, drag L together, hold.
Section 7: L step forward hold, R step back hold, vine L, vine R ¼ turn
1,2,3,4Step L forward, step R together, hold, step R back, step L together, hold
5&6Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L together
7&8Step R to R side, step L behind R, Step R with ¼ turn to R.
Section 8: L heel step, R heel step, L side together, R heel step L heel step R side together
1,2,3-4Step L heel forward, step L together, step R heel forward, step R together, step L to L side, drag R together, hold.
5,6,7-8Step R heel forward, step R together, step L heel forward, step L together, step R to R side, drag L together, hold.
Section 9: L step forward hold, R step back hold, vine L, vine R ¼ turn
1,2,3,4Step L forward, step R together, hold, step R back, step L together, hold.
5&6Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L together
7&8Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R with ¼ turn to R.
Section 10: Point L, point R
1&2&Point L foot to L, step L together, point R foot to R, step R together
Section 11: Walk anti clock wise making ½ turn L,R, run L,R,L, walk ½ turn R,L, run R,L,R
1,2Walk anti clockwise L, R making ¼ turn over L shoulder
3&4Run L, R, L making 1/4 turn over L shoulder
5,6Walk anti clockwise R, L making ¼ turn over L shoulder
7&8Run R, L, R making ¼ turn over L shoulder.
Bridge on wall 3: Repeat section 6 through to section 9 twice on wall 3 then Continue the dance.
Hope you enjoy this dance!
Happy Dancing !!!
Contact: sadielinedancer@gmail.com
Section 1: L shuffle, R shuffle, ½ pivot step, run R,L,R
1&2Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward,
3&4Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward,
5&6Step L forward, Pivot ½ turn over R shoulder,
7&8Run forward R, L, R
Section 2: L, shuffle, R shuffle, ½ pivot step, run R,L,R
1&2Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward,
3&4Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward,
5&6Step L forward, Pivot ½ turn over R shoulder,
7&8Run forward R, L, R
Section 3: L heel dig x 2 coaster step, R heel dig x 2 coaster step
1&2&L heel dig, L heel dig,
3&4Step L back, step R together, Step L forward
5&6&R heel dig, R heel dig,
7&8Step R back, step L together, Step R forward
Section 4: L rock cross, R rock cross, vine L, vine R ¼ turn
1&2L rock to L side, cross L over R
3&4R rock to R side, cross R over L
5&6Step L to L side, Step R behind, Step L to L side,
7&8Step R to r side, Step L behind, Step R ¼ turn R, Step Left together
Section 5: Point L, point R
1&2&Point L to L side, step L together, point R to R side, step R together
Section 6: L heel step, R heel step, L side together, R heel step L heel step R side together
1,2,3-4Step L heel forward, step L together, Step R heel forward, Step R together, Step L to L Side, drag R together, hold.
5,6,7-8Step R heel forward, Step R together, Step L heel forward, Step L together, Step R to R side, drag L together, hold.
Section 7: L step forward hold, R step back hold, vine L, vine R ¼ turn
1,2,3,4Step L forward, step R together, hold, step R back, step L together, hold
5&6Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L together
7&8Step R to R side, step L behind R, Step R with ¼ turn to R.
Section 8: L heel step, R heel step, L side together, R heel step L heel step R side together
1,2,3-4Step L heel forward, step L together, step R heel forward, step R together, step L to L side, drag R together, hold.
5,6,7-8Step R heel forward, step R together, step L heel forward, step L together, step R to R side, drag L together, hold.
Section 9: L step forward hold, R step back hold, vine L, vine R ¼ turn
1,2,3,4Step L forward, step R together, hold, step R back, step L together, hold.
5&6Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L together
7&8Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R with ¼ turn to R.
Section 10: Point L, point R
1&2&Point L foot to L, step L together, point R foot to R, step R together
Section 11: Walk anti clock wise making ½ turn L,R, run L,R,L, walk ½ turn R,L, run R,L,R
1,2Walk anti clockwise L, R making ¼ turn over L shoulder
3&4Run L, R, L making 1/4 turn over L shoulder
5,6Walk anti clockwise R, L making ¼ turn over L shoulder
7&8Run R, L, R making ¼ turn over L shoulder.
Bridge on wall 3: Repeat section 6 through to section 9 twice on wall 3 then Continue the dance.
Hope you enjoy this dance!
Happy Dancing !!!
Contact: sadielinedancer@gmail.com