Low Intermediate
Sec 1: Forward left basic, back right basic.
1-2-3Forward left, right together, left together.
4-5-6back right, left together, right together.
Sec 2: ¼ Twinkle left, right back basic.
1-2-3Cross left over right, turn ¼ left stepping right to right, left together.
4-5-6Step right back, left together, right together.
Sec 3: Cross side rock, behind side cross.
1-2-3Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover to left.
4-5-6Step right behind, left to side, cross right over left..
Sec 4: Sway x 3, side behind side.
1-2-3Sway hips left ,right left.
4-5-6Step right to right, left behind, right to right.
Sec 5: Basic ½ turn left, sweep right behind, left to left, cross right over left.
1-2-3Step forward left, ½ turn left stepping back right, left back.
4-5-6Sweeping right around behind left, left to left, cross right over left.
Sec 6: Side rock cross, ¼ left stepping back right, left, right.
1-2-3Step left to left, recover to right, cross left over right.
4-5-6Turn ¼ left, stepping back right , left, right.
Sec 7: Cross side rock left and right moving forward.
1-2-3Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover to left.
4-5-6Cross right over left, rock left to left, recover to right.
Sec 8: Step turn step right, 1/2 turn,1/2 turn. Step forward.
1-2-3Step left forward, pivot ½ stepping forward on right, step forward on left.
4-5-6½ turn left stepping back right, ½ left stepping forward left, forward right,
Restart on wall 3 and 6 dance up to and including count 40 turn ¼ left and start again.
Contact: heelanjohn@gmail.com
1-2-3Forward left, right together, left together.
4-5-6back right, left together, right together.
Sec 2: ¼ Twinkle left, right back basic.
1-2-3Cross left over right, turn ¼ left stepping right to right, left together.
4-5-6Step right back, left together, right together.
Sec 3: Cross side rock, behind side cross.
1-2-3Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover to left.
4-5-6Step right behind, left to side, cross right over left..
Sec 4: Sway x 3, side behind side.
1-2-3Sway hips left ,right left.
4-5-6Step right to right, left behind, right to right.
Sec 5: Basic ½ turn left, sweep right behind, left to left, cross right over left.
1-2-3Step forward left, ½ turn left stepping back right, left back.
4-5-6Sweeping right around behind left, left to left, cross right over left.
Sec 6: Side rock cross, ¼ left stepping back right, left, right.
1-2-3Step left to left, recover to right, cross left over right.
4-5-6Turn ¼ left, stepping back right , left, right.
Sec 7: Cross side rock left and right moving forward.
1-2-3Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover to left.
4-5-6Cross right over left, rock left to left, recover to right.
Sec 8: Step turn step right, 1/2 turn,1/2 turn. Step forward.
1-2-3Step left forward, pivot ½ stepping forward on right, step forward on left.
4-5-6½ turn left stepping back right, ½ left stepping forward left, forward right,
Restart on wall 3 and 6 dance up to and including count 40 turn ¼ left and start again.
Contact: heelanjohn@gmail.com