CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Intermediate
Johnson Koo (SG) - July 2016
Loved - Lucy Hale
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Intro: 24 counts (Approx 11 sec into track – Start on lyrics)
Sequence: Dance up to –
(1) Wall 4 after sec 5 (9.00) add bridge A-18 counts. (Restart 12.00)
(2) Wall 7 after sec 5 (3.00) add bridge A-18 counts and continue to do bridge B-21 counts. (Restart 12.00)
(3) Wall 8 after sec 6 add 3 counts tag and start the dance again. (Restart 6.00)
(4) Wall 9 after sec 5 (9.00) add bridge A-18 counts. (12.00 End wall)

Main dance:
SEC 1: ¼ R step R fwd, L sweep, L cross, R point.
1 2 3¼ turn R step RF fwd, Sweeping LF from back to front prep to cross over RF over 2 counts. (3.00)
4 5 6Cross LF over RF, Point RF to R side over 2 counts.

SEC 2: R cross twinkle ¼ L, L cross twinkle ¼ L.
1 2 3Cross RF behind LF, Make ¼ turn L step LF diagonal fwd L, Step RF diagonal fwd R.
4 5 6Cross LF over RF, Step back on RF, Make ¼ turn L step LF to L side. (9.00)

SEC 3: R cross, 1/8 L step L together, R fwd, L cross twinkle 3/8 L.
1 2 3Cross RF over LF, Make 1/8 turn L step LF near to RF, Step RF fwd. (7.30)
4 5 6Cross LF over RF, Step back on RF, Make 3/8 turn L step LF to L side. (3.00)

SEC 4: R cross, L point, ¼ R hook L, Walk turning ¼ R w/L,R,L.
1 2 3Cross RF over LF, Point LF to L side, Making ¼ turn R on ball of RF as you hook LF behind.
4 5 6Step fwd LF, Make 1/8 turn R step RF fwd, Make 1/8 turn R step LF fwd. (9.00)

SEC 5: R scuff, R fwd, L step lock, Unwind ½ L.
1 2 3Scuff RF fwd, Step fwd on RF, Lock LF behind RF.
4 5 6Making unwind ½ turn L over 3 counts. (3.00)

SEC 6: R full turn, L fwd mambo ½ L.
1 2 3Step RF fwd, Make ½ turn R step LF back, Make ½ turn R step RF fwd.
4 5 6Step/Rock LF fwd, Recover on RF, Make ½ turn L step LF fwd.

SEC 7: R fwd mambo ½ R, ¼ R side rock cross,
1 2 3Step/Rock RF fwd, Recover on LF, Make ½ turn R step RF fwd.
4 5 6¼ turn R step/rock to LF to L side, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF. (6.00)

Bridge A:
A/SEC 1: (Box basic) -R fwd, L side, R together, ¼ L step L fwd, R side, L together.
1 2 3Step RF fwd, Big step LF to L side, Step RF close to LF.
4 5 6¼ turn L step LF fwd, Big step RF to R side, Step LF close to RF.

A/SEC 2: (Box basic) -R back diagonal L, ¼ L step L side, R together. ¼ L step L fwd, R side, L cross behind.
1 2 3Step RF back slightly diagonal L, ¼ turn L big step LF to L side, Step RF close to LF.
4 5 6¼ turn L step LF fwd, Step RF to R side, Cross LF behind RF.

A/SEC 3: Sweep R vine L, sweep L cross.
1 2 3Sweep RF cross behind LF, Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF.
4 5 6Sweep LF from back to front and cross over RF for 3 counts.

Bridge B:
B/SEC 1: R cross twinkle ¼ R, L twinkle ½ L.
1 2 3Cross RF over LF, Step LF diagonal fwd L, Make ¼ R step RF diagonal fwd R.
4 5 6Cross LF over RF, Make ¼ turn L step RF back, Make ¼ turn L step LF diagonal fwd L.

B/SEC 2: R twinkle ½ R, L cross mambo.
1 2 3Cross RF over LF, Make ¼ turn R step LF back, Make ¼ turn R step RF diagonal fwd R.
4 5 6Cross LF over RF, Recover on RF, Step LF to L side.

B/SEC 3: R coaster turn ¼ R, L together w/bend knees, Straighten legs w/slide back R, R sweep and touch.
1 2 3¼ turn R step back on RF, Step LF near to RF, Step RF fwd.
4 5 6Step LF close to RF as you bend both knees (squatting motion), Straighten both legs (stand up motion) as you sliding R toe backward and recover weight onto LF for 2 counts.
7 a 8Sweeping RF from back to front and cross in front of LF with touch over 3 counts.
Arms optional: Overlap both hands while bending both knees (count on 4). Open both arms while straightening both legs (count on 5,6). Continue to create a circular motion, bringing back both hands crisscrossing in front of the chest, ending facing left diagonal. (count on 7,a,8)

Tag: Dance up to wall 8 after SEC 6, do the next 3 counts
1 2 3 –Making ¼ turn L step RF to R side, Step/Rock LF to L side, Touch RF next to LF. (6.00)


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