CopperKnob Stepsheets

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We Might Fall

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Kim Lillskog (SWE) - July 2016
We Might Fall - Ryan Star : (Album: 11:59)
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S1: Sweep, Close, Sweep, Close, Cross rock, Full Turn, Sweep, Behind, Side
1-2Sweep right forward and around to the back, close right behind left
3-4Sweep left forward and around to the back, close left behind right
5-6Cross rock right over left, recover onto left
&7Turn ¼ right stepping forward on right, turn ½ right stepping left next to right and continue another ¼ right sweeping right back (12 o'clock)
8&Cross right behind left, step left slightly forward to left diagonal (10:30)

S2: Kick, Hook, Kick, Leg swing, 5/8 turn, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side
1-2Kick right forward and reach left arm forward, Hook left over right and pull left arm in
3-4Kick right forward and reach left arm forward, Swing right back
5Turn 5/8 right stepping down on right sweeping left to front (6 o'clock)
6&7Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right sweeping right to back
8&Step right behind left, step left to left side

S3: Cross rock, Side, Cross rock, ¼ turn, Step ½ turn, Sprial turn
1-2&Cross rock right over left, recover onto left, step right to right side
3-4&Cross rock left over right, recover onto right, turn ¼ left stepping forward on left
5-6Step forward on right, pivot ½ left
7-8Step right forward making a full spiral turn left, step forward left

S4: Rock step, Back, ½ turn, 1¼ turn, Basic nightclub, ½ turn, Cross
1-2&Rock forward on right, recover onto left, step back on right
3-4&Turn ½ left stepping forward on left, turn ½ stepping back on right, turn ½ left stepping forward on left
5&6Turn ¼ left stepping right to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
7-8&Turn ¼ right stepping left back, turn ¼ right stepping right to right side, cross left over right

S5: Side and touch, Point, Straighten and bend knee x2,, Reach, Cross arms, Drop arms (Right leading)
1Step right to right side and touch left behind as you make a clockwise circle with right arm ending reaching and looking down to right side with a slightly bent knee
2&3Point left to left side (keep it out there!), straighten right leg, bend right knee
4-5Straighten right leg scooping hands up and looking forward, bend right knee pushing hands down infront and looking down
6-7&8Straighten right leg and reach right arm forward and looking forward, cross right arm infont of chest, cross left arm in front of chest, drop both arms down

S6: Side and touch, Point, Straighten and bend knee x2,, Reach, Cross arms, Drop arms (Left leading)
1Step left to left side and touch right behind as you make a counter-clockwise circle with left arm ending reaching and looking down to left side with a slightly bent knee
2&3Point right to right side (keep it out there!), straighten left leg, bend left knee.
4-5Straighten left leg scooping hands up and looking forward, bend left knee pushing hands down infront and looking down
6-7&8Straighten left leg and reach left arm forward and looking forward, cross left arm infont of chest, cross right arm in front of chest, drop both arms down


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