CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Christina Johnsson (SWE) & Urban Danielsson (SWE) - July 2016
1972 - Jake Owen : (CD: Days of Gold)
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#16 counts intro, starts on vocal (iTunes)

Section 1: Left toes touch back, unwind ½, step-½ turn left-step forward, step-lock-step, press right forward, recover
1–2Touch left toes back, unwind ½ turn left step down on left (6:00)
3&4Step right foot forward, turn ½ turn left step down on left, step right forward (12:00)
5&6Step left forward, lock step right behind of left, step left foot forward
7–8Press (rock) right foot forward, recover weight onto left foot
Restart: Restart here on wall 2 and 4 with adding an &-step (8&) by stepping right next to left
Tag: On wall 7 add the Tag here and Restart the dance from the beginning

Section 2: Heel & cross & heel & cross, step left side, bounce heel x2, coaster step
9&10&Dig right heel forward (with attitude) while you turning ¼ right, step right next to left, step left across in front of right, step right small step to right side (3:00)
11&12Dig left heel forward, step left next to right, step right across in front of left
13&14Step left to left side, while turn ¼ right bounce heels twice (keep body leaning backwards for attitude) weight on left (6:00)
15&16Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right foot forward

Section 3: ¼ turn left step left cross, step side, sailor step, sailor step ½ turn, step left forward, ½ turn left step right back
17–18Turn ¼ left stepping left across in front of right, step right to right side (3:00)
19&20Step left behind right, step right small step right, step left small step forward
21&22Step right ¼ turn right behind of left, step left ¼ turn right small step to left, step right small step forward (9:00)
23–24Step left foot forward, ½ turn left step back on right foot (3:00)

Section 4: Back-lock-step, coaster step, kick-ball-cross, touch toes side-together-side
25&26Step back on left foot, lock step right foot in front of left, step back on left
27&28Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right foot forward
29&30Kick left foot forward, step left next to right, step right across in front of left
31&32Touch left toes to left side, touch left toes next to right foot, touch left toes to left side


Tag: After the first 8 counts on wall 7
1&2&Dig right heel forward (with attitude), step right next to left, step left across in front of right, step right small step to right side
3&4Dig left heel forward, step left next to right, step right across in front of left

Urban Danielsson, Munkholmsv.17 193 40 Sigtuna, Sweden,

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