High Improver
Introduction: 16 counts, start on approx 08 sec.
Part 1. Kick R Fwd, Replace, Side, Sailor Step R, Cross, 1/4 Turn L, Back, Back, Back Dip, Replace.
1&2Kick R forward, Step R back in place, Step L to L.
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L, Step R to R.
5&6Step L across R, Making 1/4 turn L (9) step R back, Step L back.
7-8Step R slightly back and dip your body down, coming up ending with weight onto L.
Part 2. Step, Lock, Step R, 1/4 Turn L, Step, Lock, Step L, 1/2 Pivot Turn L, 1/4 Turn L with Hitch / Hip Bump 2x.
1&2Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward.
3&4Making 1/4 turn L (6) step L forward, Lock R behind L, Step L forward.
5-6Step R forward, Pivot turn 1/2 L over L (12) take weight onto L.
7-8Hitch R knee lifting R hip up twice tuning 1/8 L (2X) (7-8) (9:00) weight onto L.
Part 3. Slide, Touch, Knee Pops R, L, R, Side Rock / Recover with 1/4 turn L, Step, Lock, Step R.
1-2Step R big to R slide on R, Touch L next to R.
3&Step L in place and pop R knee forward, Step R in place and pop L knee forward
4Step L in place and pop R knee forward.
(NB : Restart here in WALL 9 after 20 counts, after start again (facing 9 o`clock)
5-6Step R to R, Making 1/4 turn L (6) recover back onto L.
7&8Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward.
Part 4. 2x 1/4 Paddle Turn R with Hip Movements, Cross, Side, 1/4 Sailor Turn L
1-4Step L Forward, make 1/4 turn R (weight ends on R) , Step L Forward, make 1/4 turn R.
(1-4 weight ends on R) (push hips to left when doing paddle turns) (12.00)
5-6Cross L in front of R, Step R right
7&8make 1/4 turn left crossing L behind R (9), Step R right, Step L left
(Ending: don't do the last 1/4 turn left with the last Sailor step in the last wall and finish at 12.00 !!)
Contact: email: royverdonkdancers@gmail.com / smoothdancer79@hotmail.com
Part 1. Kick R Fwd, Replace, Side, Sailor Step R, Cross, 1/4 Turn L, Back, Back, Back Dip, Replace.
1&2Kick R forward, Step R back in place, Step L to L.
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L, Step R to R.
5&6Step L across R, Making 1/4 turn L (9) step R back, Step L back.
7-8Step R slightly back and dip your body down, coming up ending with weight onto L.
Part 2. Step, Lock, Step R, 1/4 Turn L, Step, Lock, Step L, 1/2 Pivot Turn L, 1/4 Turn L with Hitch / Hip Bump 2x.
1&2Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward.
3&4Making 1/4 turn L (6) step L forward, Lock R behind L, Step L forward.
5-6Step R forward, Pivot turn 1/2 L over L (12) take weight onto L.
7-8Hitch R knee lifting R hip up twice tuning 1/8 L (2X) (7-8) (9:00) weight onto L.
Part 3. Slide, Touch, Knee Pops R, L, R, Side Rock / Recover with 1/4 turn L, Step, Lock, Step R.
1-2Step R big to R slide on R, Touch L next to R.
3&Step L in place and pop R knee forward, Step R in place and pop L knee forward
4Step L in place and pop R knee forward.
(NB : Restart here in WALL 9 after 20 counts, after start again (facing 9 o`clock)
5-6Step R to R, Making 1/4 turn L (6) recover back onto L.
7&8Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward.
Part 4. 2x 1/4 Paddle Turn R with Hip Movements, Cross, Side, 1/4 Sailor Turn L
1-4Step L Forward, make 1/4 turn R (weight ends on R) , Step L Forward, make 1/4 turn R.
(1-4 weight ends on R) (push hips to left when doing paddle turns) (12.00)
5-6Cross L in front of R, Step R right
7&8make 1/4 turn left crossing L behind R (9), Step R right, Step L left
(Ending: don't do the last 1/4 turn left with the last Sailor step in the last wall and finish at 12.00 !!)
Contact: email: royverdonkdancers@gmail.com / smoothdancer79@hotmail.com