CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I'm Faded

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Easy Intermediate
Nathan Gardiner (SCO) - June 2016
Faded - Alan Walker
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Intro: 16 counts

Step Back, Behind, Side R, Cross Rock, Recover, Ball, Cross Unwind Full L, Cross, Side L, Together, Forward
1Step back on R sweeping L from front to back
2&Step L behind R, Step R to R side
3-4&Cross rock L over R, Recover on R, Step L slightly to L side
5-6Cross R over L, Unwind full L (Weight on L)
7Cross R over L
8&1Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
Option counts 5-6: Cross R over L, Step L to L side

Side R, Together, ¼ R, Mambo Step, Walk Back R & L with Sweeps, Sailor ½ R with Cross
2&3Step R to R side, Step L next to R, ¼ R stepping forward on R
4&5Rock forward on L, Recover on R, Step back on L (Sweep R from front to back)
6-7Step back on R sweeping L from front to back, Step back on L sweeping R from back to front
8&1Step R behind L, ¼ R stepping L to L side ( Tag/Restart Point), ¼ R crossing R over L

Point, Cross Samba, Cross, Point, Cross Samba
2Point L to L side
3&4Cross L over R, Rock out to R side, Recover on L
5-6Cross R over R, Point L to L side
7&8Cross L over R, Rock out to R side, Recover on L

Coaster Step, Mambo ½ L, Side R, Sailor Step, Step ½ L
1&2Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step forward on R
3&4Rock forward on L, Recover on R, ½ L stepping forward on L
5Step R to R side
6&7Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L to L side
8&Step forward on R, ½ L (Weight on L)

Tag: End of wall 2
Sway R, Sway L
1-2Step R to R side swaying hips to R side, Sway hips to L side

Tag/Restart: On wall 7 dance 16& counts then add Sway R, Sway L then Restart the dance


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