Line / Partner
Walk forward right, left, shuffle right, rock forward left, recover right, shuffle left ½ turn to left.
1,2Walk forward stepping right, then left.
3&4Right shuffle forward.
5,6Rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8Shuffle left while turning ½ turn left.
Step points, Rocking Chair.
1,2Step forward on right, point left toe to left side
3.4Step forward on left, point right toe to right side
5,6Rock forward on right, recover on left
7,8Rock back on right, recover on left
½ turn pivot to left, shuffle right, full turn to right, shuffle left
1,2Step right, turning ½ turn to left
3&4Shuffle forward right
5,6Full turn to right stepping back on left and forward on right (or walk forward left, right)
7&8Shuffle forward left.
Right Cross Rock, Side Shuffle Right, Left Cross Rock, Side Shuffle Left with ¼ turn left.
1,2Cross right over left, recover left
3&4Side shuffle right
5,6Cross left over right, recover right,
7&8Side shuffle left.
*4 ct. Tag Right Rocking Chair (forward and back) after second dance through of 32 cts.
*8 ct. Tag Two Sets Rocking Chairs (forward and back). after fourth dance through of 32 counts.
Same for couples dance as well as line. Line occurs facing 6:00 then 12:00.
Partner dance is done in the shadow position in circle traveling counter clockwise.
Omit the ¼ turn left after cross rocks (last 8 cts.)
Contact: linedancerjb@live.com
1,2Walk forward stepping right, then left.
3&4Right shuffle forward.
5,6Rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8Shuffle left while turning ½ turn left.
Step points, Rocking Chair.
1,2Step forward on right, point left toe to left side
3.4Step forward on left, point right toe to right side
5,6Rock forward on right, recover on left
7,8Rock back on right, recover on left
½ turn pivot to left, shuffle right, full turn to right, shuffle left
1,2Step right, turning ½ turn to left
3&4Shuffle forward right
5,6Full turn to right stepping back on left and forward on right (or walk forward left, right)
7&8Shuffle forward left.
Right Cross Rock, Side Shuffle Right, Left Cross Rock, Side Shuffle Left with ¼ turn left.
1,2Cross right over left, recover left
3&4Side shuffle right
5,6Cross left over right, recover right,
7&8Side shuffle left.
*4 ct. Tag Right Rocking Chair (forward and back) after second dance through of 32 cts.
*8 ct. Tag Two Sets Rocking Chairs (forward and back). after fourth dance through of 32 counts.
Same for couples dance as well as line. Line occurs facing 6:00 then 12:00.
Partner dance is done in the shadow position in circle traveling counter clockwise.
Omit the ¼ turn left after cross rocks (last 8 cts.)
Contact: linedancerjb@live.com