CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Watching You

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Upper Beginner
Lyn Booth (AUS) - March 2016
Watching You - Rodney Atkins : (Album: If You're Going Through Hell)
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Introduction: 32 Counts

Comment: Tags and Restart makes this a bit more interesting
(4 Easy Tags and 1 Restart)

Vine to R with L cross over R, Rock R, Replace L, Cross R Over L Hold
1,2,3,4Step Right to R, Step L behind, Step R to R, Cross L over R
5,6,7,8Rock R to R, Replace L, Cross R over L, Hold

Vine to L with R cross over L, Rock L, Replace R, Cross L over R Hold
1,2,3,4Step L to L, Step R Behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
5,6,7,8Rock L to L, Replace R, Cross L over R, Hold

Lock Step Diag Fwd. R lock R, Scuff L, Rocking Chair Rock Fwd-Back L, R, L, R
1,2,3,4Step diag R, Lock L behind R, Step diag R, Scuff L Fwd
5,6,7,8Rock L Fwd, Rock Replace R, Rock L Back, Rock replace R Fwd

Step L to L, Tap R beside L, Step R to R, Tap L beside R, Walk circular half-turn to L
1,2,3,4Step L to side, Tap R beside L, Step R to side, Tap L beside R
5,6,7,8(1/2 turn to L) walk Step L, R, L, Tap R to L to face half-turn to L
Face 6 o’clock wall ready to start again.

Dance Wall 1, 2, 3 ‘normal’
End of Wall 3: Facing Back Wall - 4 count Tag,
Step R to R, Tap L beside, Step L to L, Tap R beside.

Walls 4, 5 ‘normal’
End of wall 5 RESTART Wall:
Facing Back Wall - Dance the first 16 Counts and Restart - at Back ...calling this wall 6

Wall 7, 8, 9, 10 ‘normal’
End of Wall 10: Facing Front - 4 count Tag,
Step R to R, Tap Lbeside, Step L to L, Tap R beside

Walls 11, 12, ‘normal’
Tag - End of Wall 12 Facing front Wall 8 count Tag:
Step R to R, Step L tog, step R to R, Tap L beside
Step L to L, Step R tog, step L to L, Tap R beside

End of Wall 13 Facing Back - 4 count Tag,
Step R to R, Tap L, Step L to L, Tap R beside

Wall 14, 15 Normal
Wall 16 LAST WALL - last count scuff and step R forward

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