Intro: 16 count
Lock step, hold, L Rocking Chair
1-4Step fwd. R, lock L behind, step fwd. R, hold
5-8Rock fwd. L, recover R, rock back L, recover R (Catalan style with stomp)
Step ½ turn right, hold, Full turn left, Step, Hook L behind
1-4Step fwd. L, ½ turn right, step fwd. L, hold
5-8½ turn left stepping R back, ½ turn left stepping L fwd, step fwd. R, hook L behind R
L Scissor step, hold, R Kick, Hook, Kick, Hook behind with slap
1-4Step L diag. bag, step R behind L, cross L, hold
5-8Kick R, hook, kick, hook behind L slap
Vine right ¼ turn, hold, step ½ turn, step, hold
1-4Step R to side, L behind R, ¼ turn right stepping R fwd., hold
5-8Step L fwd., ½ turn right, step L fwd., hold
Restart: 5 wall after 16 count (6) replace hook behind with stomp L
Ending: Wall 13 (3) Sect. 4 replace 5-8
Step ½ turn, ¼ turn, stomp R (12)
5-8Step fwd. L, ½ turn right, ¼ turn right stepping L to side, stomp R
Contact: dwightgoldwing@gmail.com - dwight@thewilddanishgang.com
Lock step, hold, L Rocking Chair
1-4Step fwd. R, lock L behind, step fwd. R, hold
5-8Rock fwd. L, recover R, rock back L, recover R (Catalan style with stomp)
Step ½ turn right, hold, Full turn left, Step, Hook L behind
1-4Step fwd. L, ½ turn right, step fwd. L, hold
5-8½ turn left stepping R back, ½ turn left stepping L fwd, step fwd. R, hook L behind R
L Scissor step, hold, R Kick, Hook, Kick, Hook behind with slap
1-4Step L diag. bag, step R behind L, cross L, hold
5-8Kick R, hook, kick, hook behind L slap
Vine right ¼ turn, hold, step ½ turn, step, hold
1-4Step R to side, L behind R, ¼ turn right stepping R fwd., hold
5-8Step L fwd., ½ turn right, step L fwd., hold
Restart: 5 wall after 16 count (6) replace hook behind with stomp L
Ending: Wall 13 (3) Sect. 4 replace 5-8
Step ½ turn, ¼ turn, stomp R (12)
5-8Step fwd. L, ½ turn right, ¼ turn right stepping L to side, stomp R
Contact: dwightgoldwing@gmail.com - dwight@thewilddanishgang.com