Intro: 32 counts; start on vocals.
S.1: Toe Struts R L, R Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4Touch R toe fwd, Drop R heel down, Touch L toe fwd, Drop L heel down
5 6 7 8Rock fwd on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L
S.2: Right Vine w/Touch, Left Rolling Vine w/Touch
1 2 3 4Step R to right, Step L behind R, Step R to right, Touch L next to R
5 6Turn 1/4 left and step L fwd, Turn 1/2 left and step R back
7 8Turn 1/4 left and step L to left, Touch R next to L
S.3: R Monterey 1/2 Turn x2
1 2Touch R to right side, Drag R to L and pivot ½ turn right stepping on R (6:00)
3 4Touch L to left side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
5 6Touch R to right side, Drag R to L and pivot ½ turn right stepping on R (12:00)
7 8Touch L to left side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
S.4: Back Toe Struts R L, R Back Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4Touch R toe back, Step R heel down, Touch L toe back, Step L heel down
5 6 7 8Rock back on R, Recover on L, Rock fwd on R, Recover on L
S.5: R Monterey 1/4 Turn x2
1 2Touch R to right side, Drag R to L and pivot ¼ turn right stepping on R (3:00)
3 4Touch L to left side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
5 6Touch R to right side, Drag R to L and pivot ¼ turn right stepping on R (6:00)
7 8Touch L to left side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
S.6: Weave to Left w/Touch, Weave to Right w/Touch
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, Step L to left, Step R behind L, Touch L to left (weight on R)
5 6 7 8Cross L over R, Step R to right, Step L behind R, Touch R to right (weight on L)
S.7: Sweep Behind Side Cross Touch x2: R, L
1 2 3 4Sweep R behind L, Step L to left, Cross R over L, Touch L to left (weight on R)
5 6 7 8Sweep L behind R, Step R to right, Cross L over R, Touch R to right (weight on L)
S.8: Jazz Box, Jazz Box with ¼ Turn Right
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to right, Step L slightly fwd (weight on L)
5 6 7 8Cross R over L, Step L back, Turn ¼ right and step R to right, Step L next to R (9:00)
TAG: At end of S.8 on wall 4 facing 12:00 - HIP BUMPS X4
1 2 3 4Bump hips RLRL (keep weight on L)
Dance ends on wall 6, count 4 of S.5 facing 12:00. For a nice finish, dance counts 1 2 3,
step L beside R on “&” count, step R beside L on 4 – tah dah!
Deeply grateful thanks to my “partner-in-line-crime” Bobbey Willson for inspiring me not only to be a better dancer/choreographer, but a better person as a whole.
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script. Contact: steelecharlotte2013@gmail.com willbeys@aol.com
Last Update - 10th May 2016
S.1: Toe Struts R L, R Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4Touch R toe fwd, Drop R heel down, Touch L toe fwd, Drop L heel down
5 6 7 8Rock fwd on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L
S.2: Right Vine w/Touch, Left Rolling Vine w/Touch
1 2 3 4Step R to right, Step L behind R, Step R to right, Touch L next to R
5 6Turn 1/4 left and step L fwd, Turn 1/2 left and step R back
7 8Turn 1/4 left and step L to left, Touch R next to L
S.3: R Monterey 1/2 Turn x2
1 2Touch R to right side, Drag R to L and pivot ½ turn right stepping on R (6:00)
3 4Touch L to left side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
5 6Touch R to right side, Drag R to L and pivot ½ turn right stepping on R (12:00)
7 8Touch L to left side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
S.4: Back Toe Struts R L, R Back Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4Touch R toe back, Step R heel down, Touch L toe back, Step L heel down
5 6 7 8Rock back on R, Recover on L, Rock fwd on R, Recover on L
S.5: R Monterey 1/4 Turn x2
1 2Touch R to right side, Drag R to L and pivot ¼ turn right stepping on R (3:00)
3 4Touch L to left side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
5 6Touch R to right side, Drag R to L and pivot ¼ turn right stepping on R (6:00)
7 8Touch L to left side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
S.6: Weave to Left w/Touch, Weave to Right w/Touch
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, Step L to left, Step R behind L, Touch L to left (weight on R)
5 6 7 8Cross L over R, Step R to right, Step L behind R, Touch R to right (weight on L)
S.7: Sweep Behind Side Cross Touch x2: R, L
1 2 3 4Sweep R behind L, Step L to left, Cross R over L, Touch L to left (weight on R)
5 6 7 8Sweep L behind R, Step R to right, Cross L over R, Touch R to right (weight on L)
S.8: Jazz Box, Jazz Box with ¼ Turn Right
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to right, Step L slightly fwd (weight on L)
5 6 7 8Cross R over L, Step L back, Turn ¼ right and step R to right, Step L next to R (9:00)
TAG: At end of S.8 on wall 4 facing 12:00 - HIP BUMPS X4
1 2 3 4Bump hips RLRL (keep weight on L)
Dance ends on wall 6, count 4 of S.5 facing 12:00. For a nice finish, dance counts 1 2 3,
step L beside R on “&” count, step R beside L on 4 – tah dah!
Deeply grateful thanks to my “partner-in-line-crime” Bobbey Willson for inspiring me not only to be a better dancer/choreographer, but a better person as a whole.
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script. Contact: steelecharlotte2013@gmail.com willbeys@aol.com
Last Update - 10th May 2016