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#16 count intro, begin on vocals
[1-8] Point side R, touch, Heel Hook, Lock R Fwd, Step 1/2, ½ Back, Sweep Behind Side Cross
1&2&Point right to right side, touch right beside left, tap right heel fwd, hook right under left knee
3&4Step forward right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
5&6Step left ½ turn right, ½ turn right step back left sweep right
Alternative steps: mambo forward step back
7&8Place right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left - 12 oclock
[9-16] Point side L, Touch, Heel Hook, Lock L Fwd, Step R ¼, Weave, Cross
1&2&Point left to left side, touch left beside right, tap left heel forward, hook left under right knee
3&4Step forward left, lock right behind, step forward left
5&6&Step right forward ¼ turn left, cross right over left, step left to left side
7&8step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left **** - 9 oclock
****Restart wall 6, change count 8 (cross right) to touch right beside left
[17-24] Rumba back, Side Together ½, Rumba Back, Side Together ¼ R
1&2Step left to left side, place right beside left, step back left
3&4step right to right side, place left beside ¼ turn right , 1/4 turn right cross right over left - 3 oclock
5&6step left to left side, place right beside left, step back left
7&8step right to right side, step left beside right, ¼ turn right step right forward - 6 oclock
[25-32] Cross Rock, Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Heel Strut R,L,R,L ¾ turn R
1&2&Cross rock left over right, recover right, side rock left to left side, recover right
3&4Place left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6¼ turn Right, heel right forward, drop right toe, ¼ right, heel left forward, drop left toe
7-8¼ turn right heel right forward, drop right toe, step forward left heel, drop left toe - 3 oclock
Restart on wall 6
Dance the first 16 counts and change count 16 (cross R) to a touch Right beside left ……
Happy dancing
Thanks to my hubby Steve for the help me with this dance
#16 count intro, begin on vocals
[1-8] Point side R, touch, Heel Hook, Lock R Fwd, Step 1/2, ½ Back, Sweep Behind Side Cross
1&2&Point right to right side, touch right beside left, tap right heel fwd, hook right under left knee
3&4Step forward right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
5&6Step left ½ turn right, ½ turn right step back left sweep right
Alternative steps: mambo forward step back
7&8Place right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left - 12 oclock
[9-16] Point side L, Touch, Heel Hook, Lock L Fwd, Step R ¼, Weave, Cross
1&2&Point left to left side, touch left beside right, tap left heel forward, hook left under right knee
3&4Step forward left, lock right behind, step forward left
5&6&Step right forward ¼ turn left, cross right over left, step left to left side
7&8step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left **** - 9 oclock
****Restart wall 6, change count 8 (cross right) to touch right beside left
[17-24] Rumba back, Side Together ½, Rumba Back, Side Together ¼ R
1&2Step left to left side, place right beside left, step back left
3&4step right to right side, place left beside ¼ turn right , 1/4 turn right cross right over left - 3 oclock
5&6step left to left side, place right beside left, step back left
7&8step right to right side, step left beside right, ¼ turn right step right forward - 6 oclock
[25-32] Cross Rock, Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Heel Strut R,L,R,L ¾ turn R
1&2&Cross rock left over right, recover right, side rock left to left side, recover right
3&4Place left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6¼ turn Right, heel right forward, drop right toe, ¼ right, heel left forward, drop left toe
7-8¼ turn right heel right forward, drop right toe, step forward left heel, drop left toe - 3 oclock
Restart on wall 6
Dance the first 16 counts and change count 16 (cross R) to a touch Right beside left ……
Happy dancing
Thanks to my hubby Steve for the help me with this dance