Start dance after 17 seconds after the oh oh oh start the count and dance as he sings i'll be ,i'll be the answer
Sec 1; slow grapevine to right & click fingers
1-2step right to side click fingers up
3-4step left behind right click fingers in front of chest
5-6step right to side click fingers up
7-8step left (slightly infront ) of right click fingers in front of chest
Sec 2; jazz box turns to the right x2
1-2step right in front of left , step left back
3-4do a ¼ turn to right stepping to right , step left next to right
5-6step right in front of left , step left back
7-8do a ¼ turn to right stepping to right , step left infront of right
Sec 3; side shuffle right rock back, shuffle left ¼ turn rock back
1&2step right to right side, step left to right , step right to side
3-4step left behind right and rock back, rock forward
5&6step left to left side, step right to left,step left to side
7-8step right behind left and rock back angle body round to right ,recover weight on to left
Sec 4;toe strut, toe strut,kick ball change ,kick ball change
1-2step right foot forward on toe and place heel down
3-4step left foot forward on tow and place heel down
5&6kick right forward ,step right back,weight on left
7&8kick right forward ,step right back,weight on left
Sec 5;step point ,step point ,side touch ,side turn
1-2step right forward,point left to side
3-4step left forward ,point right to side
5-6put weight on right and tap left beside
7-8step left to side ¼ turn to right and step right to left
Sec 6;shuffle back, rock back ½ turn shuffle rock back and hook
1&2step right back ,step left next to right ,step right back
3-4rock back on left and recover onto right
5&6step left forward as you do a ¼ turn to right ,step right next to it ,step left to side as you ¼ turn
7-8rock back on right hook left foot
Sec 7; forward slide, forward touch,rolling grapevine to right (or grapevine right)
1-4step left foot forward ,step right next to it ,step left forward ,step right to left
5-6Step right 1/4 turn right. Make 1/2 turn right stepping back left.
7-8Make 1/4 turn right stepping right to right side. Touch left in place
Sec 8; swivels and clap
1-4swivel heels left , swivel toes left ,swivel heels left and clap
5-8swivel toes left , swivel heels left ,swivel toes left and clap
Contact: ginger1701@yahoo.com
Sec 1; slow grapevine to right & click fingers
1-2step right to side click fingers up
3-4step left behind right click fingers in front of chest
5-6step right to side click fingers up
7-8step left (slightly infront ) of right click fingers in front of chest
Sec 2; jazz box turns to the right x2
1-2step right in front of left , step left back
3-4do a ¼ turn to right stepping to right , step left next to right
5-6step right in front of left , step left back
7-8do a ¼ turn to right stepping to right , step left infront of right
Sec 3; side shuffle right rock back, shuffle left ¼ turn rock back
1&2step right to right side, step left to right , step right to side
3-4step left behind right and rock back, rock forward
5&6step left to left side, step right to left,step left to side
7-8step right behind left and rock back angle body round to right ,recover weight on to left
Sec 4;toe strut, toe strut,kick ball change ,kick ball change
1-2step right foot forward on toe and place heel down
3-4step left foot forward on tow and place heel down
5&6kick right forward ,step right back,weight on left
7&8kick right forward ,step right back,weight on left
Sec 5;step point ,step point ,side touch ,side turn
1-2step right forward,point left to side
3-4step left forward ,point right to side
5-6put weight on right and tap left beside
7-8step left to side ¼ turn to right and step right to left
Sec 6;shuffle back, rock back ½ turn shuffle rock back and hook
1&2step right back ,step left next to right ,step right back
3-4rock back on left and recover onto right
5&6step left forward as you do a ¼ turn to right ,step right next to it ,step left to side as you ¼ turn
7-8rock back on right hook left foot
Sec 7; forward slide, forward touch,rolling grapevine to right (or grapevine right)
1-4step left foot forward ,step right next to it ,step left forward ,step right to left
5-6Step right 1/4 turn right. Make 1/2 turn right stepping back left.
7-8Make 1/4 turn right stepping right to right side. Touch left in place
Sec 8; swivels and clap
1-4swivel heels left , swivel toes left ,swivel heels left and clap
5-8swivel toes left , swivel heels left ,swivel toes left and clap
Contact: ginger1701@yahoo.com