Skate Steps, Right Sailor, Left Sailor ½ turn
1&Step R diagonally(1), touch left next to right.(&) (as if skating)
2&Step L diagonally(2), touch right next to left(&)
3&Step R diagonally(3), touch left next to right(&)
4&Step L diagonally(4), touch right next to left(&)
5&6(Sailor Step) Step R behind L (5), Step L next to R(&), Step forward R(6)
7&8&(Sailor Step) Step L behind R (7), Step R next to left making ¼ turn to L(&), Step forward L making ¼ turn left(8), Touch R next to left(&)
Step Slide Stomp, Step Slide Stomp, Vine R, Vine Left ¼ turn
1&2Step R diagonally(1), slide L next to R(&), Stomp left foot(2)
3&4Step L diagonally(3), slide R next to L(&), Stomp right foot(4)
5&6&Step R to side(5), Step L behind R(&), Step R to side(6), Touch L next to R(&)
7&8&Step L to side(7), Step R behind L(&), Step L to side making ¼ turn to L(8), Touch R next to L(&)
Stomp, Stomp, Kick-Ball-Change, Jazz Box ½ turn
1,2Stomp Right Foot, Stomp Left Foot
3&4Kick out R Foot(3), Step in place RL(&4)
5,6,7,8Cross R over L(5), Step back with L foot making ¼ turn R(6), Step Forward with R making a ¼ turn(7), Step forward L(8)
1&Step R diagonally(1), touch left next to right.(&) (as if skating)
2&Step L diagonally(2), touch right next to left(&)
3&Step R diagonally(3), touch left next to right(&)
4&Step L diagonally(4), touch right next to left(&)
5&6(Sailor Step) Step R behind L (5), Step L next to R(&), Step forward R(6)
7&8&(Sailor Step) Step L behind R (7), Step R next to left making ¼ turn to L(&), Step forward L making ¼ turn left(8), Touch R next to left(&)
Step Slide Stomp, Step Slide Stomp, Vine R, Vine Left ¼ turn
1&2Step R diagonally(1), slide L next to R(&), Stomp left foot(2)
3&4Step L diagonally(3), slide R next to L(&), Stomp right foot(4)
5&6&Step R to side(5), Step L behind R(&), Step R to side(6), Touch L next to R(&)
7&8&Step L to side(7), Step R behind L(&), Step L to side making ¼ turn to L(8), Touch R next to L(&)
Stomp, Stomp, Kick-Ball-Change, Jazz Box ½ turn
1,2Stomp Right Foot, Stomp Left Foot
3&4Kick out R Foot(3), Step in place RL(&4)
5,6,7,8Cross R over L(5), Step back with L foot making ¼ turn R(6), Step Forward with R making a ¼ turn(7), Step forward L(8)