Diagonal Forward Touches
1-4Step right diagonally forward, touch left together, step left diagonally forward, touch right together
5-8Step right diagonally forward, touch left together, step left diagonally forward, touch right together
K-Step (Back)
1-4Step right diagonally back, touch left together, step left diagonally back, touch right together
5-8Step right diagonally back, touch left together, step left diagonally back, touch right together
Weave Right, Sway Hips
1-4Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right, cross left over right
5-8Sway hips right, left, right, left
Step Behind 1/4 Turn, Rocking Chair
1-4Cross right behind left, 1/4 turn left on left, step right beside left, step left forward
5-8Rock forward on right, recover left, forward right, recover left
It's All About Fun, Enjoy
1-4Step right diagonally forward, touch left together, step left diagonally forward, touch right together
5-8Step right diagonally forward, touch left together, step left diagonally forward, touch right together
K-Step (Back)
1-4Step right diagonally back, touch left together, step left diagonally back, touch right together
5-8Step right diagonally back, touch left together, step left diagonally back, touch right together
Weave Right, Sway Hips
1-4Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right, cross left over right
5-8Sway hips right, left, right, left
Step Behind 1/4 Turn, Rocking Chair
1-4Cross right behind left, 1/4 turn left on left, step right beside left, step left forward
5-8Rock forward on right, recover left, forward right, recover left
It's All About Fun, Enjoy