Beginner / Improver
Skate R L, Triple forward, Skate L R, Triple forward
1-2Skate R, Skate L
3&4Triple at diagonal to right (R L R)
5-6Skate L, Skate R
7&8Triple at diagonal to left (L R L)
Rock forward, ½ Turn triple, ½ Pivot,Triple forward
1-2R rock forward return
3&4R triple ½ turn right
5-6Step forward L ½ pivot
7&8Left triple forward (L R L)
R rock and cross, L rock and cross, ¼ turn hip roll, ¼ turn hip roll
1&2Rock R to side cross over L
3&4Rock L to side cross over R
5-6Step R hip roll ¼ turn left
7-8Step R hip roll ¼ turn left
R rock, R coaster step, L rock forward, Triple full turn
1-2R rock forward return
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
5-6L rock forward
7&8Triple turn full turn (L R L)
One Restart on wall 3 after 24 counts will have just done the 2 ¼ turn hip rolls.
Will be on back wall when Restart.
Inquiries: Katie Fanelli - E-mail: donny_o13@hotmail.com
Thank you Larry Bass for your support and suggestions.
And to Dema Barker-Raddatz for song suggestion.
1-2Skate R, Skate L
3&4Triple at diagonal to right (R L R)
5-6Skate L, Skate R
7&8Triple at diagonal to left (L R L)
Rock forward, ½ Turn triple, ½ Pivot,Triple forward
1-2R rock forward return
3&4R triple ½ turn right
5-6Step forward L ½ pivot
7&8Left triple forward (L R L)
R rock and cross, L rock and cross, ¼ turn hip roll, ¼ turn hip roll
1&2Rock R to side cross over L
3&4Rock L to side cross over R
5-6Step R hip roll ¼ turn left
7-8Step R hip roll ¼ turn left
R rock, R coaster step, L rock forward, Triple full turn
1-2R rock forward return
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
5-6L rock forward
7&8Triple turn full turn (L R L)
One Restart on wall 3 after 24 counts will have just done the 2 ¼ turn hip rolls.
Will be on back wall when Restart.
Inquiries: Katie Fanelli - E-mail: donny_o13@hotmail.com
Thank you Larry Bass for your support and suggestions.
And to Dema Barker-Raddatz for song suggestion.