Absolute Beginner
Intro: 32 counts
[1-8] Side step, L touch, side step, R touch, R heel, L heel
1 2step R to right side, touch L beside R, 12:00
3 4step L to left side, touch R beside L, 12:00
5 6touch R heel fwd, close R beside L, 12:00
7 8touch L heel fwd, close L beside R, 12:00
[9-16] R heel, R toe, R heel, R toe, fwd step, L touch, back step, R touch
1 2touch R heel fwd, touch R toe back, 12:00
3 4touch R heel fwd, touch R toe back, 12:00
5 6step fwd on R, touch L beside R, 12:00
7 8step back on L, touch R beside L, 12:00
[17-24] R grapevine, L scuff, L grapevine ¼, R scuff
1 2step R to right side, cross L behind R, 12:00
3 4step R to right side, scuff L, 12:00
5 6step L to left side, cross R behind L, 12:00
7 8step L fwd making ¼ turn left, scuff R, 9:00
[25-32] R toe strut, L toe strut, hip bumps RLRL
1 2step fwd on R toe, drop R heel, 9:00
3 4step fwd on L toe, drop L heel, 9:00
5 6bump hips to the R, bump hips to the L, 9:00
7 8bump hips to the R, bump hips to the L, 9:00
*Easy variation (if too fast)
Section 2:
1 2touch R heel fwd, hold, 12:00
3 4touch R toe back, hold, 12:00
After count 2 in section 3, make a ¼ R (front wall) and bring your hands in to make a heart shape.
Contact Leeh040595@icloud.com
[1-8] Side step, L touch, side step, R touch, R heel, L heel
1 2step R to right side, touch L beside R, 12:00
3 4step L to left side, touch R beside L, 12:00
5 6touch R heel fwd, close R beside L, 12:00
7 8touch L heel fwd, close L beside R, 12:00
[9-16] R heel, R toe, R heel, R toe, fwd step, L touch, back step, R touch
1 2touch R heel fwd, touch R toe back, 12:00
3 4touch R heel fwd, touch R toe back, 12:00
5 6step fwd on R, touch L beside R, 12:00
7 8step back on L, touch R beside L, 12:00
[17-24] R grapevine, L scuff, L grapevine ¼, R scuff
1 2step R to right side, cross L behind R, 12:00
3 4step R to right side, scuff L, 12:00
5 6step L to left side, cross R behind L, 12:00
7 8step L fwd making ¼ turn left, scuff R, 9:00
[25-32] R toe strut, L toe strut, hip bumps RLRL
1 2step fwd on R toe, drop R heel, 9:00
3 4step fwd on L toe, drop L heel, 9:00
5 6bump hips to the R, bump hips to the L, 9:00
7 8bump hips to the R, bump hips to the L, 9:00
*Easy variation (if too fast)
Section 2:
1 2touch R heel fwd, hold, 12:00
3 4touch R toe back, hold, 12:00
After count 2 in section 3, make a ¼ R (front wall) and bring your hands in to make a heart shape.
Contact Leeh040595@icloud.com