High Intermediate
Intro: 16 counts
Note: 2 Tags & 1 Restart* (see below)
Starting position: Place L in front of R with weight on L, Prep shoulders for a R turn
S1: ½ R Sweep R, R Behind-side-cross, L Side rock ¼ R, L Fwd, R Pivot ½, ½ ½ ¼ L -R Point
1With shoulder leading a ½ R, sweep R from front to back (6:00)
2&3Step R behind L, step L to the side, cross R over L
4&5Rock L to the side, ¼ R recovering onto R, step forward L (9:00)
6&7&Step forward R, pivot ½ L, ½ L stepping back R, ½ L stepping forward L (3:00)
8¼ L pointing R to R side while bending L knee with upper body turning to the L (12:00)
(easy option for 7&: walk forward R, L)
S2: Drag R, R Behind-side-cross, L Scissors Steps, ¼ L, L Coaster Cross, R Side-rock-cross
1Straighten up L, dragging R towards L with upper body turning to the R
2&3Step R behind L, step L to the side, cross R over L
&4&5Step L to the side, step R beside L, cross L over R, ¼ L stepping back R (9:00)
6&7Step back L, step R beside L, cross L over R
&8&Rock R to the side, recover onto L, cross R over L
S3: ¼ ½ R, L Cross, R Rock-recover- ⅞ R, L Rocking Chair, L Fwd Rock, L Big Step Back
1&2¼ R stepping back L, ½ R step forward R, cross L over R on tippy toes sweeping R from back to front (6:00)
** Restart here during wall 6
3&4Rock forward R, recover onto L, ½ R stepping forward R (12:00) while lifting L for a 3/8 R (4:30)
5&6&Rock forward L, recover onto R, rock back L, recover onto R
7&Rock forward L, recover onto R
8Take a big step back L, sweeping R from front to back
(Count 2: L tippy toes to match the lyrics “He’s so tall”. Do not do the styling for the easy option)
S4: R Sailor steps, L Sailor ⅛ L, Behind ¼ L, Behind ¼ L, Behind ¼ L, Prep
1&2Step R behind L, step L to the side, step R to the side
3&4⅛ L Step L behind R, step R to the side, stepping L in place (square back to 3:00) (3:00)
a5Step on ball of R behind L, ¼ L stepping L slightly forward
a6Step on ball of R behind L, ¼ L stepping L slightly forward 0a7 Step on ball of R behind L, ¼ L stepping L slightly forward (6:00)
8With weight on L bend slightly L knee and continue to rotate upper body to L to prep for a R turn
(Counts a5 a6 a7: look over L shoulder to lead body turning to L)
TAGs: at the end of 2nd wall (1200) and 5th wall (6:00), add this 4-count tag
½ R Sweep R, R Back Rock, R Fwd, L Pivot ½ R, L Fwd
1½ R, sweep R from front to back
2&3Rock back R, recover onto L, step forward R
4&aStep forward L, pivot ½ R, step forward L
Restart: on count 18 during wall 6th, cross L over R and do not sweep R from back to front, prep shoulder for a R turn and restart the dance (12:00).
Contact: rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca - 1(647) 295-3833 - www.laidance.net
Note: 2 Tags & 1 Restart* (see below)
Starting position: Place L in front of R with weight on L, Prep shoulders for a R turn
S1: ½ R Sweep R, R Behind-side-cross, L Side rock ¼ R, L Fwd, R Pivot ½, ½ ½ ¼ L -R Point
1With shoulder leading a ½ R, sweep R from front to back (6:00)
2&3Step R behind L, step L to the side, cross R over L
4&5Rock L to the side, ¼ R recovering onto R, step forward L (9:00)
6&7&Step forward R, pivot ½ L, ½ L stepping back R, ½ L stepping forward L (3:00)
8¼ L pointing R to R side while bending L knee with upper body turning to the L (12:00)
(easy option for 7&: walk forward R, L)
S2: Drag R, R Behind-side-cross, L Scissors Steps, ¼ L, L Coaster Cross, R Side-rock-cross
1Straighten up L, dragging R towards L with upper body turning to the R
2&3Step R behind L, step L to the side, cross R over L
&4&5Step L to the side, step R beside L, cross L over R, ¼ L stepping back R (9:00)
6&7Step back L, step R beside L, cross L over R
&8&Rock R to the side, recover onto L, cross R over L
S3: ¼ ½ R, L Cross, R Rock-recover- ⅞ R, L Rocking Chair, L Fwd Rock, L Big Step Back
1&2¼ R stepping back L, ½ R step forward R, cross L over R on tippy toes sweeping R from back to front (6:00)
** Restart here during wall 6
3&4Rock forward R, recover onto L, ½ R stepping forward R (12:00) while lifting L for a 3/8 R (4:30)
5&6&Rock forward L, recover onto R, rock back L, recover onto R
7&Rock forward L, recover onto R
8Take a big step back L, sweeping R from front to back
(Count 2: L tippy toes to match the lyrics “He’s so tall”. Do not do the styling for the easy option)
S4: R Sailor steps, L Sailor ⅛ L, Behind ¼ L, Behind ¼ L, Behind ¼ L, Prep
1&2Step R behind L, step L to the side, step R to the side
3&4⅛ L Step L behind R, step R to the side, stepping L in place (square back to 3:00) (3:00)
a5Step on ball of R behind L, ¼ L stepping L slightly forward
a6Step on ball of R behind L, ¼ L stepping L slightly forward 0a7 Step on ball of R behind L, ¼ L stepping L slightly forward (6:00)
8With weight on L bend slightly L knee and continue to rotate upper body to L to prep for a R turn
(Counts a5 a6 a7: look over L shoulder to lead body turning to L)
TAGs: at the end of 2nd wall (1200) and 5th wall (6:00), add this 4-count tag
½ R Sweep R, R Back Rock, R Fwd, L Pivot ½ R, L Fwd
1½ R, sweep R from front to back
2&3Rock back R, recover onto L, step forward R
4&aStep forward L, pivot ½ R, step forward L
Restart: on count 18 during wall 6th, cross L over R and do not sweep R from back to front, prep shoulder for a R turn and restart the dance (12:00).
Contact: rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca - 1(647) 295-3833 - www.laidance.net