CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Guyton Mundy (USA) & Klara Wallman (SWE) - March 2016
Pattern of dance. AA BA AA BB AA

A Pattern: 32 counts
A[1-8] skate, skate, sailor, behind, ¼, rock/recover back, ½
1-2Skate forward right, left
3&4step right behind left, step together with left, step right to right side
&5step left behind right, make a ¼ turn to right stepping forward on right
6&7rock forward on left, recover on right, step back on left
8make a ½ turn to right stepping forward on right

A[9-16] 1/4 rock and cross, kick ball, behind rock/recover, sway, sway, behind side forward
1&2make a ¼ turn to right rocking left to left side, recover on right, cross left over right,
3&4&kick right forward step down to right to right, rock left behind right, recover on right
5-6step left tp left as you sway left, sway to right
7&8step left behind right, step right to right, step forward on left

A[17-24] ball rock with roll, recover, heel grinds back, coaster cross, side rock recover with ¼
&1-2step on ball of right next to left, rock forward on left as you roll body forward, recover back on right as you roll body up and back
3-4-5step back on left as you grind right heel, step back on right as you grind left heel, step back on left as you grind right hell
6&7step back on right, step together with left, cross right over left
8&rock left out to left, recover back on right while making a ¼ turn to right

A[25-32] ¼ with hip roll, together, walk backs with heel grinds or taps
1make a ¼ turn to right as you step left out to left side,
2-3-4roll hips from left to right for counts 2-3, step left next to right
5678step back on right as you grind left heel, step back on left as you grind right heel, step back on right as you grind left heel, step back on left.. or when the song is going from chorus to verse you could do this
5&6&7&8&Step back on right, tap left next to right, step back on left, tap right next to left, Step back on right, tap left next to right, step back on left, tap right next to left

B pattern: 32 counts
B[1-8] hand slaps with ½ turn pivot, skates, mambo
1&2&3&4Step forward on right as you smack hands together, brining right hand away from body as left hand comes in, bring left hand out as right comes in, repeat as you make a ½ pivot turn to the left, transitioning weight to left foot
5-6skate forward right, left
7&8rock forward on right, recover on left, step right next to left

B[9-16] touches with side steps, ½ turn chug
1&2&touch left out to left, touch left next to right, take a big side step to left, touch right next to left
3&4touch right to right, touch right next to left, take a big side step to right
5-6-7-8make a half turn over right stepping left, left, left , left

B[17-24] step, toe fans with toe heel walks out, heel toe swivels with ¼, hitch cross
1&2step forward on right, swivel right toe to right, swivel right toe back in to neutral
&3&4walk right foot out to right, toe, heel, toe, heel and bring left next to right, weight on left
5&6step forward on right, swivel right toe to right and left heel to left, bring back to neutral
&7&8swivel right heel to right and left toe to left as you make a ¼ turn to left, step down on left, hitch right slightly, cross right over left

B[25-32] side rock/recover kick together X 2, ¾ chugs
1&2&rock left to left, recover on right, kick left forward, step slightly forward on left
3&4&rock right out to right, recover on left, kick right forward, step slightly forward on right
5-6-7-8make a ¾ turn over right shoulder as you step, left, left, left, left

3 评论

Jessica 🐭🇸🇪 March 15, 2016
So cool! Love it! / Jessica

Janet March 17, 2016
Very fun! I like it!

ocdcdance April 15, 2016
Please note George will be updating this - there are TWO A's to end the dance in the preferred remix version of the song listed on the sheet - on iTunes, length 3:31.....

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