***2 RESTARTS walls 4 & 8 after 16 cts
START after 16 counts at lyrics
S1: 3 Heel-step-touches, ½ L Reverse pivot turn, R side step
1&2R fwd heel - R step nxt to L - L side touch
3&4L fwd heel - L step nxt to R - R side touch
5&6R fwd heel – R step nxt to L – L back touch
7, 8½ L pivot turn weight on L, R side step (6:00)
S2: 3 Sailor steps ( 3rd w/ ¼ L turn), 2 walks
1&2L behind R - R step slightly to R side - L side step
3&4R behind L - L step slightly to L side - R side step
5&6L step behind R – ¼ L turn weight onto R – L fwd step(3:00)
7-8 2fwd steps R-L
S3: R side Rock-step, R side shuffle, L side Rock-step, L side shuffle
1-2, 3&4R side step – recover weight on L, R-L-R traveling to R side
5-6, 7&8L side step – recover weight on R, L-R-L traveling to L side
S4: Rocking chair, ½ L pivot turn, 2 walks
1-2-3-4R fwd step - recover weight on L - R back step – recover weight on L
5-6-7-8R fwd step – ½ L pivot turn weight onto L – 2 fwd steps R-L (9:00)
Created 02/05/2016 stepsheet by Annemarie Dunn
Contact: wordinmotionap2g@yahoo.com
Last Update - 19th April 2016
START after 16 counts at lyrics
S1: 3 Heel-step-touches, ½ L Reverse pivot turn, R side step
1&2R fwd heel - R step nxt to L - L side touch
3&4L fwd heel - L step nxt to R - R side touch
5&6R fwd heel – R step nxt to L – L back touch
7, 8½ L pivot turn weight on L, R side step (6:00)
S2: 3 Sailor steps ( 3rd w/ ¼ L turn), 2 walks
1&2L behind R - R step slightly to R side - L side step
3&4R behind L - L step slightly to L side - R side step
5&6L step behind R – ¼ L turn weight onto R – L fwd step(3:00)
7-8 2fwd steps R-L
S3: R side Rock-step, R side shuffle, L side Rock-step, L side shuffle
1-2, 3&4R side step – recover weight on L, R-L-R traveling to R side
5-6, 7&8L side step – recover weight on R, L-R-L traveling to L side
S4: Rocking chair, ½ L pivot turn, 2 walks
1-2-3-4R fwd step - recover weight on L - R back step – recover weight on L
5-6-7-8R fwd step – ½ L pivot turn weight onto L – 2 fwd steps R-L (9:00)
Created 02/05/2016 stepsheet by Annemarie Dunn
Contact: wordinmotionap2g@yahoo.com
Last Update - 19th April 2016