#32 count Intro.
Step Hitch, Coaster step, Step pivot 1/4 Left x2
1-2Step fwd. on Rt, Hitch Lt knee
3&4Step back on Lt, Step Rt. next to Lt, Step Lt fwd.(12'o)
5-6Step fwd on Rt. pivot 1/4 turn Lt. (9'o)
7-8Step fwd on Rt. pivot 1/4 turn Lt. (6'o)
Right & Left, Cross Over Side, Sailor Heel &
1-2Cross Rt. over Lt, Step Lt to side
3&4&Step Rt. behind Lt, Step Lt to side, touch Rt..Heel fwd. Step Rt. next to Lt
5-6Cross Lt over Rt. Step Rt. to side
7&8&Step Lt behind Rt. Step Rt. to side, touch Lt Heel fwd. Step Lt next to Rt.
Diagonal Step touches x4 (all facing 4.30)
1-2Rt. Step fwd on left diag. touch Lt. next Rt. (4.30)
3-4Lt. Step back on Right diag. touch Rt. next Lt.
5-6Rt. Step back on Right diag. touch Lt. next Rt.
7-8Lt. Step fwd on left diag. touch Rt. next Lt
Right cross rock, shuffle 5/8 turn Right, Left Side rock, Sailor 3/4 left
1-2Cross rock Rt. over Lt.(4.30)
3&4Shuffle 5/8 turn to the Rt. stepping Rt-Lt-Rt. (12'o)
5-6Rock to Lt. recover onto Rt.
7&8Sailor 3/4 Lt. stepping Lt-Rt-Lt. (3'o)
Tag: Rocking Chair over 4 counts straight after the first wall
1-2-3-4.Rt. rock fwd. recover, rock back recover.
Remember It's all for "The Craic" on St.Patricks Day.
Contact: shuffleandshake@gmail.com
Step Hitch, Coaster step, Step pivot 1/4 Left x2
1-2Step fwd. on Rt, Hitch Lt knee
3&4Step back on Lt, Step Rt. next to Lt, Step Lt fwd.(12'o)
5-6Step fwd on Rt. pivot 1/4 turn Lt. (9'o)
7-8Step fwd on Rt. pivot 1/4 turn Lt. (6'o)
Right & Left, Cross Over Side, Sailor Heel &
1-2Cross Rt. over Lt, Step Lt to side
3&4&Step Rt. behind Lt, Step Lt to side, touch Rt..Heel fwd. Step Rt. next to Lt
5-6Cross Lt over Rt. Step Rt. to side
7&8&Step Lt behind Rt. Step Rt. to side, touch Lt Heel fwd. Step Lt next to Rt.
Diagonal Step touches x4 (all facing 4.30)
1-2Rt. Step fwd on left diag. touch Lt. next Rt. (4.30)
3-4Lt. Step back on Right diag. touch Rt. next Lt.
5-6Rt. Step back on Right diag. touch Lt. next Rt.
7-8Lt. Step fwd on left diag. touch Rt. next Lt
Right cross rock, shuffle 5/8 turn Right, Left Side rock, Sailor 3/4 left
1-2Cross rock Rt. over Lt.(4.30)
3&4Shuffle 5/8 turn to the Rt. stepping Rt-Lt-Rt. (12'o)
5-6Rock to Lt. recover onto Rt.
7&8Sailor 3/4 Lt. stepping Lt-Rt-Lt. (3'o)
Tag: Rocking Chair over 4 counts straight after the first wall
1-2-3-4.Rt. rock fwd. recover, rock back recover.
Remember It's all for "The Craic" on St.Patricks Day.
Contact: shuffleandshake@gmail.com