[1-8] Rock & Shuffle Back, Rock & Shuffle Forward
1-2Rock forward on left, recover right
3&4Shuffle back, left, right, left
5-6Rock back on right recover left
7&8Shuffle forward, right, left, right
[9-16] Modified Vine, Shuffle Turn ¼ Left, Rock & Shuffle
9-10Side Left, behind right
11&12Shuffle turning ¼ left left, right, left
13-14Rock forward right, recover left
15&16Shuffle right, left right
[17-24] Scissors & Scissors Turning ¼ Left
17,18,19,20Step left to side, close right to left, cross left over right, hold
21,22,23,24Step right to side, close left to right, cross right over left turning ¼ left, hold
[25-28] Forward Touch 2 Times
25-28Step forward left, touch right to left with claps, step forward right, touch left to right with claps
Start Over
Contact: Submitted By - Diane Ellis: dchwt@yahoo.com
1-2Rock forward on left, recover right
3&4Shuffle back, left, right, left
5-6Rock back on right recover left
7&8Shuffle forward, right, left, right
[9-16] Modified Vine, Shuffle Turn ¼ Left, Rock & Shuffle
9-10Side Left, behind right
11&12Shuffle turning ¼ left left, right, left
13-14Rock forward right, recover left
15&16Shuffle right, left right
[17-24] Scissors & Scissors Turning ¼ Left
17,18,19,20Step left to side, close right to left, cross left over right, hold
21,22,23,24Step right to side, close left to right, cross right over left turning ¼ left, hold
[25-28] Forward Touch 2 Times
25-28Step forward left, touch right to left with claps, step forward right, touch left to right with claps
Start Over
Contact: Submitted By - Diane Ellis: dchwt@yahoo.com