Intro: 24 Counts
Restart after 32 count Wall 3 and 32 Count Wall 5
Section 1: Chase Right, back rock. Chase left, back rock.
1&2 3 4RF-right, LF together, RF right, LF back rock.
5&6 7 8LF-right, RF together, LF right, RF back rock.
Section 2: Box with shuffle, side step, together
1&2 3 4Shuffle forward right, LF step left, together.
5&6 7 8Shuffle back left, RF step Right, together.
Section 3: Chase ¼ turn, shuffle, step turn
1&2 3 4Chase Right 1/4 turn, step turn Right,
5&6 7 8Shuffle forward, step turn Left.
Section 4: Heel cross, together, step, touch.
1&2 3 4Right Heel, together, cross left, step right, touch.
5&6 7 8Left Heel, together, cross Right , step left, touch.
Section 5: Full turn 8 count diamond out and in side
1 2 3 4RF ¼ turn left, LF behind, RF ¼ back Left, LF side step
5 6 7 8RF ¼ turn left, LF behind, RF ¼ back Left, LF side step
Sektion 6: Shuffle, ½ turn, hip bumps
1 2 3 4Right Shuffle forward, step, touch.
5 6 7 84 X hip bumps R.L.R.L.
Contact ~ Leon Reingard - leon@reingard.dk
Restart after 32 count Wall 3 and 32 Count Wall 5
Section 1: Chase Right, back rock. Chase left, back rock.
1&2 3 4RF-right, LF together, RF right, LF back rock.
5&6 7 8LF-right, RF together, LF right, RF back rock.
Section 2: Box with shuffle, side step, together
1&2 3 4Shuffle forward right, LF step left, together.
5&6 7 8Shuffle back left, RF step Right, together.
Section 3: Chase ¼ turn, shuffle, step turn
1&2 3 4Chase Right 1/4 turn, step turn Right,
5&6 7 8Shuffle forward, step turn Left.
Section 4: Heel cross, together, step, touch.
1&2 3 4Right Heel, together, cross left, step right, touch.
5&6 7 8Left Heel, together, cross Right , step left, touch.
Section 5: Full turn 8 count diamond out and in side
1 2 3 4RF ¼ turn left, LF behind, RF ¼ back Left, LF side step
5 6 7 8RF ¼ turn left, LF behind, RF ¼ back Left, LF side step
Sektion 6: Shuffle, ½ turn, hip bumps
1 2 3 4Right Shuffle forward, step, touch.
5 6 7 84 X hip bumps R.L.R.L.
Contact ~ Leon Reingard - leon@reingard.dk