Section 1: Step hitch coaster step diagonal (right), Step hitch coaster step diagonal (left)
1-2Step right into right diagonal and hitch left up next to right
3&4While stepping back on the left foot begin coaster back on the left, right next to left and forward on the right changing direction into the left diagonal
5-6Step right into left diagonal and hitch left up next to right
7&8While stepping back on the left foot begin coaster back on the left, right next to left and forward on the right straitening back up to the front
Section 2: Step half turn right, pivot half turn right, stomp forward right left, right and left apple jack
1-2Step forward right half turn over left shoulder
3-4Pivot half turn over left shoulder (making a full turn)
5-6Stomp forward right foot and left foot slightly out
7&8Take weight onto your right heel, swivel your left foot to the right side, then return your feet to centre with weight ending on LEFT. Take your weight onto your left heel, swivel your right foot to the left side, then return your feet to centre.
Section 3: Monterey half turn right, point right foot to right side and right hitch step, weight on right foot rock forward and back triple ¾ turn left
1-2Point right toe to right side, while bring in trurn half turn right pointing left toe to left side
3&4Bring left toe in and point right toe to right side and hitch step forward right foot putting weight on right foot to step forward
5-6Rock forward on left foot and recover on to right foot
7&8triple step ¾ turn over left shoulder
Section 4: Side rock right, weave left beginning right behind side cross, Side rock left, weave right beginning left behind side cross
1-2Side rock right
3&4Weave left beginning right behind left foot, left foot to left side, cross right over left
5-6Side rock left
7&8Weave right beginning left behind right foot, right foot to right side, cross left over right
Restarts – both facing back wall
(1st restart) wall 3 after 16 counts – after the apple jacks
(2nd restart) wall 7 after 24 counts – after triple step ¾
Hand Movements – at the end of section 2 – while doing apple jacks fold arms at shoulder height and as doing apple jacks move hands up and down like wings flapping.
Ending - finishing at the end of section 2 after apple jacks put weight onto both feel. Cross both hands over body and lift up over hear, open and down like wings taking off and down
Contact: xandrinax@live.co.uk
Last Update – 6th Feb. 2016
1-2Step right into right diagonal and hitch left up next to right
3&4While stepping back on the left foot begin coaster back on the left, right next to left and forward on the right changing direction into the left diagonal
5-6Step right into left diagonal and hitch left up next to right
7&8While stepping back on the left foot begin coaster back on the left, right next to left and forward on the right straitening back up to the front
Section 2: Step half turn right, pivot half turn right, stomp forward right left, right and left apple jack
1-2Step forward right half turn over left shoulder
3-4Pivot half turn over left shoulder (making a full turn)
5-6Stomp forward right foot and left foot slightly out
7&8Take weight onto your right heel, swivel your left foot to the right side, then return your feet to centre with weight ending on LEFT. Take your weight onto your left heel, swivel your right foot to the left side, then return your feet to centre.
Section 3: Monterey half turn right, point right foot to right side and right hitch step, weight on right foot rock forward and back triple ¾ turn left
1-2Point right toe to right side, while bring in trurn half turn right pointing left toe to left side
3&4Bring left toe in and point right toe to right side and hitch step forward right foot putting weight on right foot to step forward
5-6Rock forward on left foot and recover on to right foot
7&8triple step ¾ turn over left shoulder
Section 4: Side rock right, weave left beginning right behind side cross, Side rock left, weave right beginning left behind side cross
1-2Side rock right
3&4Weave left beginning right behind left foot, left foot to left side, cross right over left
5-6Side rock left
7&8Weave right beginning left behind right foot, right foot to right side, cross left over right
Restarts – both facing back wall
(1st restart) wall 3 after 16 counts – after the apple jacks
(2nd restart) wall 7 after 24 counts – after triple step ¾
Hand Movements – at the end of section 2 – while doing apple jacks fold arms at shoulder height and as doing apple jacks move hands up and down like wings flapping.
Ending - finishing at the end of section 2 after apple jacks put weight onto both feel. Cross both hands over body and lift up over hear, open and down like wings taking off and down
Contact: xandrinax@live.co.uk
Last Update – 6th Feb. 2016