CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Love Is Life

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Phrased Improver
Brian Jonassen (DK) - January 2016
Love Is - Rod Stewart
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Intro 32 counts - Dance sequence : AAA-BB-AAA-BBB-AAA-BB BB

A section : 32 counts
A1: Side, behind right, vaudeville, side behind left, vaudeville
1-2Step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right
&3&4Step right foot to right, heel touch left foot, step left together, cross right foot over left
5-6Step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left
&7&8Step left foot to left, heel touch right foot, step right together, cross left foot over right

A2: Side rock right, cross shuffle to left, stepturn ¼ right, forward shuffle
1- 2Step right foot to right side, recover to left foot
3&4Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6Step left foot to side turning ¼ right
7&8Step left foot forward, step right foot together, step left foot forward

A3: Right point diagonal, cross touch, right heel touch, together, left touch
1-2Point right toe diagonal, touch right toe in front of left
3&4Point right heel diagonal, step together, touch left toe
5-6Point left toe diagonal, touch left toe in front of right
7&8Point left heel diagonal, step together, touch right toe

A4: Back rock, stepturn ½ to left, kickball change, paddle turn ¼ over left
1-2Rock back on right, recover to left
3-4Step right foot forward, turn ½ over left (weight on left foot)
5&6Kick right forward, step right foot beside left foot, shift weight to left foot
7-8Step right foot forward, paddle turn ¼ over left.

B section : 16 counts
B1: Heel switches, right and left
1&2Point right heel diagonal, step right foot together, point left toe in place
3&4Point left heel diagonal, step left foot together, point right toe in place
5&6Point right heel diagonal, step right foot together, point left toe in place
7&8Point left heel diagonal, step left foot together, point right toe in place

B2: Forward shuffle, step turn ½, heel hook, forward shuffle
1&2Step right foot forward, step left beside, step right foot forward
3-4Step left foot forward, turn ½ to right
5-6Point left heel diagonal, hook heel across right
7&8Step left foot forward, step right foot beside, step left foot forward

One more time my good friends !

Submitted by: Jorgen Moller

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