Intro: Count 5,6,7,8 as she sings the word “Believe” for the second time during the intro.
Dance starts on the word “Something’s”.
[1 – 8] Walk, Hold, Walk, Hold - Rock Forward, Return 1/2 Turn R, Step Forward, Hold
1 - 2Walk R forward; Hold 12
3 - 4Walk L forward; Hold 12
5 - 6Rock forward onto R; Return weight to ball of L as you turn ½ right 6
7 - 8Step R forward; Hold 6
[9 – 16] Step (Prep), Hold, Step 3/4 Turn L - Step, Hold, Rock, Return
1 - 2Step L forward (prep for turn); Hold 6
3 - 4Step forward onto ball of R as you turn ¾ left; Step L in place 9
5 - 6Step R forward; Hold 9
7 – 8Rock forward onto L; Return weight to R in place 9
[17 – 24] Back Toe Struts x 2 - Weave Right
1 - 2Touch L toe back; Drop L heel to floor 9
3 - 4Touch R toe back; Drop R heel to floor 9
5 - 6Step L back and behind R; Step R side right 9
7 - 8Step L in front of R; Step R side right (opening hips slightly to left) 9
[25 – 32] Kick, Behind, Side, Cross - Kick, Kick, Back, Together
1 - 2Kick L to left diagonal; Step L back and behind R 9
3 - 4Step R side right; Step L in front of R 9
5 - 6Kick R twice (2 times) to right diagonal 9
7 - 8Step R back; Step L next to R 9
Begin Again and Enjoy!
Contacts: mburtonmb@gmail.com / mbarr@saber.net - Web: www.michaelandmichele.com
Last Update – 24th Feb. 2016
Dance starts on the word “Something’s”.
[1 – 8] Walk, Hold, Walk, Hold - Rock Forward, Return 1/2 Turn R, Step Forward, Hold
1 - 2Walk R forward; Hold 12
3 - 4Walk L forward; Hold 12
5 - 6Rock forward onto R; Return weight to ball of L as you turn ½ right 6
7 - 8Step R forward; Hold 6
[9 – 16] Step (Prep), Hold, Step 3/4 Turn L - Step, Hold, Rock, Return
1 - 2Step L forward (prep for turn); Hold 6
3 - 4Step forward onto ball of R as you turn ¾ left; Step L in place 9
5 - 6Step R forward; Hold 9
7 – 8Rock forward onto L; Return weight to R in place 9
[17 – 24] Back Toe Struts x 2 - Weave Right
1 - 2Touch L toe back; Drop L heel to floor 9
3 - 4Touch R toe back; Drop R heel to floor 9
5 - 6Step L back and behind R; Step R side right 9
7 - 8Step L in front of R; Step R side right (opening hips slightly to left) 9
[25 – 32] Kick, Behind, Side, Cross - Kick, Kick, Back, Together
1 - 2Kick L to left diagonal; Step L back and behind R 9
3 - 4Step R side right; Step L in front of R 9
5 - 6Kick R twice (2 times) to right diagonal 9
7 - 8Step R back; Step L next to R 9
Begin Again and Enjoy!
Contacts: mburtonmb@gmail.com / mbarr@saber.net - Web: www.michaelandmichele.com
Last Update – 24th Feb. 2016