Music Available from www.saloondrifters.webs.com
Alternative – Unmistakable You by Darcy Wood
Side rock recover twice, rumba box
1 2&Step right, rock back left recover right
3 4&Step left, rock back right recover left
5&6right side left together forward right
7&8left side right together forward left
Back shuffle right, quarter turn left side shuffle left cross rock recover side twice
1&2right back join left to right step back right
3&4quarter turn to left stepping left to side join right to left step left side.
5&6cross rock right recover on left step right side
7&8cross rock left recover right step left side.
Weave left with a sweep, weave right, rock turn step triple full turn right
1&2&cross right over left, step left side, cross right behind left, sweep left from front to back
3&4cross left behind right, step left to side, cross left over right.
5&6Rock right to right side, recover left with a quarter turn left, step right forward.
7&8shuffle full turn right stepping, lrl. (alternative shuffle on spot slightly forward)
Right shuffle forward. Step half pivot step twice cross shuffle.
1&2step right forward, join left to right, step forward right,
3&4step left forward pivot half over right, step forward left
5&6step forward right pivot half left step forward right
7&8cross left over right step right to side cross left over right
Start again and enjoy.
Partner dance also available –
Thank you to Michelle Risley for the alternative music used for her line dance Unmistakable.
Contact: ems.ward@btinternet.com
Alternative – Unmistakable You by Darcy Wood
Side rock recover twice, rumba box
1 2&Step right, rock back left recover right
3 4&Step left, rock back right recover left
5&6right side left together forward right
7&8left side right together forward left
Back shuffle right, quarter turn left side shuffle left cross rock recover side twice
1&2right back join left to right step back right
3&4quarter turn to left stepping left to side join right to left step left side.
5&6cross rock right recover on left step right side
7&8cross rock left recover right step left side.
Weave left with a sweep, weave right, rock turn step triple full turn right
1&2&cross right over left, step left side, cross right behind left, sweep left from front to back
3&4cross left behind right, step left to side, cross left over right.
5&6Rock right to right side, recover left with a quarter turn left, step right forward.
7&8shuffle full turn right stepping, lrl. (alternative shuffle on spot slightly forward)
Right shuffle forward. Step half pivot step twice cross shuffle.
1&2step right forward, join left to right, step forward right,
3&4step left forward pivot half over right, step forward left
5&6step forward right pivot half left step forward right
7&8cross left over right step right to side cross left over right
Start again and enjoy.
Partner dance also available –
Thank you to Michelle Risley for the alternative music used for her line dance Unmistakable.
Contact: ems.ward@btinternet.com