High Beginner
NO TAGS or RESTARTS dance straight through
START after 16 counts at lyrics
L Step-R touch, R Kick-ball-cross, ¼ L pivot turn, R shuffle
1-2L side step – R touch nxt to L
3&4R kick – R ballstep – L cross over R
5-6R side step – ¼ L pivot turn onto L (9:00)
7&8shuffle fwd R-L-R
½ R pivot turn, L shuffle, R side rock-step-cross, ¾ R turn
1-2L fwd step – ½ R pivot turn onto R fwd step (3:00)
3&4shuffle fwd L-R-L
5&6R side step – transfer weight to L – cross R over L
7-8¾ R turn walks ( ¼ R turn step back on L, ½ R turn step fwd on R)(12:00)
L Step-hook, L shuffle, 2 points, ¼ R turn w/ R Sailor
1-2L step – step R right behind L & lift L foot into a slight hook w/ bent knee
3&4shuffle fwd L-R-L
5-6R fwd point – R side point
7&8¼ R turn w/ R sailor (R step back-1/4 turn onto L step-R fwd step)(3:00)
L heel-hitch, L step-together, Hiproll, ½ L untwist turn
1-2L heel fwd – L hitch (pick knee up)
3-4L fwd step – R step together w/ L
5-6hiproll clockwise ending with weight on R
7-8cross L ballstep behind R – untwist turning ½ L turn weight ending on R (9:00)
Created 11/21/15 stepsheet by Annemarie Dunn
Submitted By - Annemarie Dunn : wordinmotionap2g@yahoo.com
START after 16 counts at lyrics
L Step-R touch, R Kick-ball-cross, ¼ L pivot turn, R shuffle
1-2L side step – R touch nxt to L
3&4R kick – R ballstep – L cross over R
5-6R side step – ¼ L pivot turn onto L (9:00)
7&8shuffle fwd R-L-R
½ R pivot turn, L shuffle, R side rock-step-cross, ¾ R turn
1-2L fwd step – ½ R pivot turn onto R fwd step (3:00)
3&4shuffle fwd L-R-L
5&6R side step – transfer weight to L – cross R over L
7-8¾ R turn walks ( ¼ R turn step back on L, ½ R turn step fwd on R)(12:00)
L Step-hook, L shuffle, 2 points, ¼ R turn w/ R Sailor
1-2L step – step R right behind L & lift L foot into a slight hook w/ bent knee
3&4shuffle fwd L-R-L
5-6R fwd point – R side point
7&8¼ R turn w/ R sailor (R step back-1/4 turn onto L step-R fwd step)(3:00)
L heel-hitch, L step-together, Hiproll, ½ L untwist turn
1-2L heel fwd – L hitch (pick knee up)
3-4L fwd step – R step together w/ L
5-6hiproll clockwise ending with weight on R
7-8cross L ballstep behind R – untwist turning ½ L turn weight ending on R (9:00)
Created 11/21/15 stepsheet by Annemarie Dunn
Submitted By - Annemarie Dunn : wordinmotionap2g@yahoo.com