#8 count introduction
Sec.1- Big step fwd, Drag/step, Hip bumps (R&L), Big step back, Drag/step
1-2Big R step fwd, drag L fwd /step (weight on L)
3&4Small R step fwd diagonally, bump hips RLR
5&6Small L step fwd diagonally, bump hips LRL
7-8Big R step back, drag L back/step (weight on L)
Sec. 2- R Side rock, Recover, Cross shuffle, L Side rock, Recover, Cross shuffle
1-2R side rock, recover L
3&4Cross R over L, step L to side, cross R over L
5-6L side rock, recover R
7&8Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L over R
*Restart after first 16 counts of Wall 7 facing 12:00
Sec.3- Turning triples box (3/4 turn R)
1&2Triple step to R side (RLR)
3&4Turn ¼ R& triple to side (LRL)
5&6Turn ¼ R & triple to side (RLR)
7&8Turn ¼ R & triple to side (LRL) (9:00)
Sec. 4-Rock back, Recover, Triple fwd, Walk, Walk, Triple fwd
1-2Rock R back, recover L
3&4Triple step fwd (RLR)
5-6Walk fwd L, walk fwd R
7&8Triple step fwd (LRL)
Sec. 5-Step fwd, Turn ¼ L, Cross shuffle, Side rock, Recover, Triple in place
1-2Step R fwd, turn/step ¼ L (6:00)
3&4Cross R over L, step L to left, cross R over L
5-6Side rock L, recover R
7&8Triple step in place (LRL)
Sec. 6-Back, touch, Back, touch, Back rocking steps (RLR, LRL)
1-2Small R step back, touch L beside R
3-4Small L step back, touch R beside L
5&6Rock R back, rock L fwd, rock R back
7&8Rock L back, rock R fwd, rock L back
Begin again.
*Restart after first 16 counts of Wall 7 facing 12:00
Contact: obehrens@yahoo.com
Sec.1- Big step fwd, Drag/step, Hip bumps (R&L), Big step back, Drag/step
1-2Big R step fwd, drag L fwd /step (weight on L)
3&4Small R step fwd diagonally, bump hips RLR
5&6Small L step fwd diagonally, bump hips LRL
7-8Big R step back, drag L back/step (weight on L)
Sec. 2- R Side rock, Recover, Cross shuffle, L Side rock, Recover, Cross shuffle
1-2R side rock, recover L
3&4Cross R over L, step L to side, cross R over L
5-6L side rock, recover R
7&8Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L over R
*Restart after first 16 counts of Wall 7 facing 12:00
Sec.3- Turning triples box (3/4 turn R)
1&2Triple step to R side (RLR)
3&4Turn ¼ R& triple to side (LRL)
5&6Turn ¼ R & triple to side (RLR)
7&8Turn ¼ R & triple to side (LRL) (9:00)
Sec. 4-Rock back, Recover, Triple fwd, Walk, Walk, Triple fwd
1-2Rock R back, recover L
3&4Triple step fwd (RLR)
5-6Walk fwd L, walk fwd R
7&8Triple step fwd (LRL)
Sec. 5-Step fwd, Turn ¼ L, Cross shuffle, Side rock, Recover, Triple in place
1-2Step R fwd, turn/step ¼ L (6:00)
3&4Cross R over L, step L to left, cross R over L
5-6Side rock L, recover R
7&8Triple step in place (LRL)
Sec. 6-Back, touch, Back, touch, Back rocking steps (RLR, LRL)
1-2Small R step back, touch L beside R
3-4Small L step back, touch R beside L
5&6Rock R back, rock L fwd, rock R back
7&8Rock L back, rock R fwd, rock L back
Begin again.
*Restart after first 16 counts of Wall 7 facing 12:00
Contact: obehrens@yahoo.com