(No Tags, No Restarts)
Step slide right, left
1-4Step to the right, slide the left (counts 1-3), hold
5-8Step to the left, slide the right, hold
Step touches(2), step slide, hold
1-4Step forward right, touch left, step forward left, touch right
5-8Step to the right, slide left, hold
Rocking chair, 2 paddle turns right (1/2 turn total)
1-4Rock forward on the left, recover right, rock back on left, recover right
5-8Touch left toe forward, turn 1/4 right, repeat to make1/2 turn right
Walk forward, kick, coaster touch
1-4Walk forward left, right, left, kick right
5-8Coaster step(step back right, left, forward right), touch left
(weight is on the right foot)
Note: This completes the first 32 counts. The second 32 counts are exactly the same as the first 32 only in reverse.
Start with the step slide left. This set should end with the weight on the left.
1-8Step slide left, right
1-8Step touches(left, right)
1-8Rocking chair on the right, 2 paddle turns left(1/4 total)
1-8Walk forward right,left,right, kick, coaster (left,right,left), touch right
Contact: joeship1@yahoo.com
Last Update - 27th Nov. 2015
Step slide right, left
1-4Step to the right, slide the left (counts 1-3), hold
5-8Step to the left, slide the right, hold
Step touches(2), step slide, hold
1-4Step forward right, touch left, step forward left, touch right
5-8Step to the right, slide left, hold
Rocking chair, 2 paddle turns right (1/2 turn total)
1-4Rock forward on the left, recover right, rock back on left, recover right
5-8Touch left toe forward, turn 1/4 right, repeat to make1/2 turn right
Walk forward, kick, coaster touch
1-4Walk forward left, right, left, kick right
5-8Coaster step(step back right, left, forward right), touch left
(weight is on the right foot)
Note: This completes the first 32 counts. The second 32 counts are exactly the same as the first 32 only in reverse.
Start with the step slide left. This set should end with the weight on the left.
1-8Step slide left, right
1-8Step touches(left, right)
1-8Rocking chair on the right, 2 paddle turns left(1/4 total)
1-8Walk forward right,left,right, kick, coaster (left,right,left), touch right
Contact: joeship1@yahoo.com
Last Update - 27th Nov. 2015