Start: 8 counts in
(1-8) Skate, Skate, Behind, ¼ Turn, Forward, Pivot turn, Forward, Full Turn, Forward, Together, Back, Together
1,2,Skate, R forward, Skate L forward,
3&Step R behind L, Turning ¼ L step L forward
4&5Step R forward, Pivot ½ L, Step R forward
6&Turning ½ R step L back, Turning ½ R step R forward
7&Step L forward, Step R beside L,
8&Step L back, Step R beside L (3:00)
(9-16) Across, Side, Rock, Across, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Across, Side, Rock, Across, Side, Behind, Side,
1,2&Step L across R, Step R to side, rock weight to L
3,4&Step R across L, Turning ¼ R step L back, Turning ¼ R step R to side
5,6&Step L across R, Step R to side, rock weight to L
7&8&Step R across L, Step L to side, Step R behind L, Step L to side (9:00)
(17-24) Side Drag, Behind, Side, Across, Recover, ¼ Turn, Full Turn, Shuffle Forward, Step R Forward, Pivot turn
1,2&Large Step R to side and drag L to R, Step L behind R, Step R to side,
3,4&Step L across R, Recover weight onto L, Turning ¼ L Step L forward,
5Step R forward and spin a full turn L and hook L as you turn
6&7Shuffle forward stepping LRL *
8&Step R forward, Pivot ½ L *** (Restart) (12:00)
(25-32) Step R forward, Step L forward, Pivot ½ R, Step L forward, Forward, Together, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Coaster Step, Together
1,2&3Step R forward, Step L forward, Pivot ½ R, Step L forward,
4&Step R forward, Step L beside R
5&Step R back, Sweep L back
6&Step L back, Sweep R back
7&8&Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R forward, Step L beside R (6:00)
TAG: End of Wall 3 (facing back) do the following:
(1-8) Skate, Skate, Sailor step, Sailor step, Sway, Sway
1,2Skate R forward, Skate L forward
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to side, Large step R to side and drag L
5&6Step L behind R, Step R to side, Large step L to side and drag R
7,8Step R slightly to side and Sway hips to R, Sway hips to L
RESTART: Wall 5 Restart after count 24& *** (you will Restart facing the front)
Ending: After count 23 – Step L forward and drag R up to L
Contact: www.nulinegeelong.com - Ph 0400077940
Submitted By – Annemaree Sleeth - inlinedancing@gmail.com
(1-8) Skate, Skate, Behind, ¼ Turn, Forward, Pivot turn, Forward, Full Turn, Forward, Together, Back, Together
1,2,Skate, R forward, Skate L forward,
3&Step R behind L, Turning ¼ L step L forward
4&5Step R forward, Pivot ½ L, Step R forward
6&Turning ½ R step L back, Turning ½ R step R forward
7&Step L forward, Step R beside L,
8&Step L back, Step R beside L (3:00)
(9-16) Across, Side, Rock, Across, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Across, Side, Rock, Across, Side, Behind, Side,
1,2&Step L across R, Step R to side, rock weight to L
3,4&Step R across L, Turning ¼ R step L back, Turning ¼ R step R to side
5,6&Step L across R, Step R to side, rock weight to L
7&8&Step R across L, Step L to side, Step R behind L, Step L to side (9:00)
(17-24) Side Drag, Behind, Side, Across, Recover, ¼ Turn, Full Turn, Shuffle Forward, Step R Forward, Pivot turn
1,2&Large Step R to side and drag L to R, Step L behind R, Step R to side,
3,4&Step L across R, Recover weight onto L, Turning ¼ L Step L forward,
5Step R forward and spin a full turn L and hook L as you turn
6&7Shuffle forward stepping LRL *
8&Step R forward, Pivot ½ L *** (Restart) (12:00)
(25-32) Step R forward, Step L forward, Pivot ½ R, Step L forward, Forward, Together, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Coaster Step, Together
1,2&3Step R forward, Step L forward, Pivot ½ R, Step L forward,
4&Step R forward, Step L beside R
5&Step R back, Sweep L back
6&Step L back, Sweep R back
7&8&Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R forward, Step L beside R (6:00)
TAG: End of Wall 3 (facing back) do the following:
(1-8) Skate, Skate, Sailor step, Sailor step, Sway, Sway
1,2Skate R forward, Skate L forward
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to side, Large step R to side and drag L
5&6Step L behind R, Step R to side, Large step L to side and drag R
7,8Step R slightly to side and Sway hips to R, Sway hips to L
RESTART: Wall 5 Restart after count 24& *** (you will Restart facing the front)
Ending: After count 23 – Step L forward and drag R up to L
Contact: www.nulinegeelong.com - Ph 0400077940
Submitted By – Annemaree Sleeth - inlinedancing@gmail.com