Beginner waltz
Alt. Music: Somebody Loves You by Scooter Lee
*Road to Las Cruces - Start the dance after 48cts on vocal or come in after 24 and dance 24 before the vocal
Learning Waltz/sailor steps , basic steps, step drag, pivot, rock recover
Waltz/Sailor Step 2 times, Left and Right
123Step L behind R, step R to side, step L to L side
456Step R behind L, step L to side, step R to R side [12:00]
Right Vine, Rock recover Cross Right Over Left
123Step L behind R step to R, cross L over R,
456Rock R, recover on L and cross R over L (wt on R) [12:00]
Vine Left Pivot ½ Left, step Fwd on Right on ct 6
123Step L to L, R behind L, step ¼ L on L (count 3)
456Step R fwd, turn ½ L, step fwd on R on (count 6) [3:00]
Basic Waltz Step forward , long step back on R, drag L to R
123Step L fwd, right beside L, step on L
456Step R long step back, drag L back in 2 counts [3:00]
Dance for the health of it.
*Road to Las Cruces - Start the dance after 48cts on vocal or come in after 24 and dance 24 before the vocal
Learning Waltz/sailor steps , basic steps, step drag, pivot, rock recover
Waltz/Sailor Step 2 times, Left and Right
123Step L behind R, step R to side, step L to L side
456Step R behind L, step L to side, step R to R side [12:00]
Right Vine, Rock recover Cross Right Over Left
123Step L behind R step to R, cross L over R,
456Rock R, recover on L and cross R over L (wt on R) [12:00]
Vine Left Pivot ½ Left, step Fwd on Right on ct 6
123Step L to L, R behind L, step ¼ L on L (count 3)
456Step R fwd, turn ½ L, step fwd on R on (count 6) [3:00]
Basic Waltz Step forward , long step back on R, drag L to R
123Step L fwd, right beside L, step on L
456Step R long step back, drag L back in 2 counts [3:00]
Dance for the health of it.