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Think Twice

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Intermediate NC2
Shelly Guichard (UK) & Conor McVeigh (UK) - October 2015
Think Twice - CĂ©line Dion : (Album: The Colour of My Love - iTunes)
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#16 Count Intro from beginning. Dance starts on the lyrics. Track approx 4 mins 48 secs.

*3 Restarts and 1 Tag: All are very easy to hear in the music
Restart 1: During wall 2. Completely finish section 2 and then restart.
Restart 2: During wall 4. Completely finish section 1 and then restart.
Restart 3: During wall 6. Completely finish section 2 and then restart.

Tag (4 counts): End of wall 8. Completely finish section 4 and then two nightclubs (right and left)

Section one: Step fwd, full turn right, ¼ night club, side behind ¼ , ½ turn hook, step, lock
1Step forward right
2&3Step fwd left, making ½ turn right (2) step back right making ½ turn right (&) step fwd left making another ¼ turn right (3) 3:00
4&5Rock right back (4), recover weight to left (&), step right to right side (5)
6&7Step left behind right (6), step right forward making ¼ turn right (&) step left forward making ½ turn right hooking right foot in front of left (7) 12:00
8&Step fwd right, (8) step left behind right (&)
**Second Restart here during wall four**

Section two: Step fwd, cross back back making ¼ turn left, behind quarter step, cross back back, step right back, step left next to right
1Step fwd right
2&3Cross left over right (2), Step right back (&), stepping left make ¼ turn left (3) (9:00)
4&5Step right behind left (4), step left fwd making ¼ left (&), step right to right side (5)(6:00)
6&7Cross left over right (6), Step right back (&), stepping left back (7)
8&Step right back, step left beside right (like a coaster step) (6:00)
**First Restart here during wall two**
**Third Restart here during wall six**

Section three: Step, step-pivot, half turn, sweep, behind and cross, left rock and cross, right basic
1Step right forward
2&3Step left fwd (2) pivot ½ turn right (&) step left fwd making another ½ turn right (3) 6:00
4&5Sweep right behind left (4), step left to left side (&), step right over left (5)
&6&Rock left to left side (&), recover weight onto right (6), step left over right (&)
7, 8&Step right to right side (7), rock left behind right (8), recover weight onto right (&) (6:00)

Section 4: Left basic, roll right, rock recover, step, jazzbox
1, 2&Step left to left side, rock right back, recover weight onto left
3, 4&Step right to right side making ¼ turn right (3), step left forward making ½ turn right (4), right step back making ¼ turn right (&) (6:00)
5, 6&Rock left over right (5), recover weight onto right (6), step left to left side (&)
7& 8&Step right over left (7), step left back (&), step right to right side (8), step forward left (&) (6:00)
**Tag here at the end of wall 8: right basic, left basic**

Keep dancing until the song finishes and you will finish at the front wall


Last Update - 7th Nov. 2015

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