Beginner waltz
Waltz Fwd - Waltz Back
1,2,3Waltz Fwd LRL
4,5,6Waltz Back RLR
Waltz Fwd 1/4 - Waltz Back
7,8,9Step fwd on L, Making 1/4 left step RL together (waltz)
10,11,12Waltz Back RLR
Waltz Fwd - Waltz Back - Waltz Fwd 1/4 - Waltz Back
13-24Repeat counts 1-12 NOW FACING BACK WALL
Step Tap Scuff - Step Tap Scuff
25,26,27Step fwd on L, Tap R beside L, Scuff R fwd
28,29,30Step fwd on R, Tap L beside R, Scuff L fwd
Cross Waltz - Cross Waltz
31,32,33Step L fwd and across R, Step RL together (waltz)
34,35,36Step R fwd and across L, Step LR together (waltz)
Waltz Fwd - Waltz Back 1/4
37,38,39Waltz fwd LRL
40,41,42Step back on R, Making 1/4 left step LR together (waltz)
Waltz Fwd - Waltz Back 1/4
43,44,45Waltz fwd LRL
46,47,48Step back on R, Making 1/4 left step LR together (waltz) NOW FACING FRONT
We love the dance A WALTZ FOR MEGAN which was written by Sue Wilson from NZ,
but my beginners can’t manage it….. S0...
Yep, you guessed it…. That’s why we now have A WALTZ FOR MARGARET GRACE.
Margaret Grace is one of my beginner dancers, always at class and loyal as they come, so it is my pleasure to name a dance for her. Hope you enjoy it Margaret Grace.
You are our very own ‘Amazing Grace’ (-:
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Contact ~ Email: janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/
Waltz Fwd - Waltz Back
1,2,3Waltz Fwd LRL
4,5,6Waltz Back RLR
Waltz Fwd 1/4 - Waltz Back
7,8,9Step fwd on L, Making 1/4 left step RL together (waltz)
10,11,12Waltz Back RLR
Waltz Fwd - Waltz Back - Waltz Fwd 1/4 - Waltz Back
13-24Repeat counts 1-12 NOW FACING BACK WALL
Step Tap Scuff - Step Tap Scuff
25,26,27Step fwd on L, Tap R beside L, Scuff R fwd
28,29,30Step fwd on R, Tap L beside R, Scuff L fwd
Cross Waltz - Cross Waltz
31,32,33Step L fwd and across R, Step RL together (waltz)
34,35,36Step R fwd and across L, Step LR together (waltz)
Waltz Fwd - Waltz Back 1/4
37,38,39Waltz fwd LRL
40,41,42Step back on R, Making 1/4 left step LR together (waltz)
Waltz Fwd - Waltz Back 1/4
43,44,45Waltz fwd LRL
46,47,48Step back on R, Making 1/4 left step LR together (waltz) NOW FACING FRONT
We love the dance A WALTZ FOR MEGAN which was written by Sue Wilson from NZ,
but my beginners can’t manage it….. S0...
Yep, you guessed it…. That’s why we now have A WALTZ FOR MARGARET GRACE.
Margaret Grace is one of my beginner dancers, always at class and loyal as they come, so it is my pleasure to name a dance for her. Hope you enjoy it Margaret Grace.
You are our very own ‘Amazing Grace’ (-:
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Contact ~ Email: janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/