START after 32counts at lyrics
R slide w/ rock-step, L slide w/ rock-step
1-2, 3-4R side big step, L back step recover weight on R
5-6, 7-8L side big step, R back step recover weight on L
R Step, ½ R pivot turn, L Scuff- step- R step-clap
1-2, 3-4R Fwd step, L fwd step into ½ R turn onto R step (6:00)
5-6-7-8L scuff – L step – R step - clap
Points out-in-slide-touch, L grapevine w/ ¼ L turn-stomp
1-2-3-4R point R side - R in – R side big step - L touch next to R
5-6-7-8L side step – R step behind L – ¼ L turn into L step – R stomp (3:00)
R Slide back, L back rock-step, R Full + ¼ turn, Clap
1-2, 3-4R big step back, L back step – recover weight on R
5-6-7, 8R full & ¼ turn (L-R-L), clap on 8ct (6:00)
Created 10/1/15 stepsheet by Annemarie Dunn
Contact: Submitted by - Annemarie Dunn - wordinmotionap2g@yahoo.com
R slide w/ rock-step, L slide w/ rock-step
1-2, 3-4R side big step, L back step recover weight on R
5-6, 7-8L side big step, R back step recover weight on L
R Step, ½ R pivot turn, L Scuff- step- R step-clap
1-2, 3-4R Fwd step, L fwd step into ½ R turn onto R step (6:00)
5-6-7-8L scuff – L step – R step - clap
Points out-in-slide-touch, L grapevine w/ ¼ L turn-stomp
1-2-3-4R point R side - R in – R side big step - L touch next to R
5-6-7-8L side step – R step behind L – ¼ L turn into L step – R stomp (3:00)
R Slide back, L back rock-step, R Full + ¼ turn, Clap
1-2, 3-4R big step back, L back step – recover weight on R
5-6-7, 8R full & ¼ turn (L-R-L), clap on 8ct (6:00)
Created 10/1/15 stepsheet by Annemarie Dunn
Contact: Submitted by - Annemarie Dunn - wordinmotionap2g@yahoo.com