High Beginner
Start - 16cts in - CCW
Rock Recover,1/2 turn, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, Shuffle
1,2Rock fwd L and recover back R
3,4½ turn over L shoulder step fwd L(6:00), step out and to the side with R foot and make another ¼ turn (3:00)
5,6Step L behind R, step R fwd and make ¼ turn R (6:00)
7&8Shuffle fwd LRL
Rock Recover, Lock back, Coaster back, 2 Walks
1,2Rock fwd R recover back L
3&4Step back R, Lock L over R, step back R (your body is angled)
5&6Step back L, step together R, step fwd L
7,8Walk fwd R, L
Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, ¼ Rock, Coaster Back
1,2Rock R to R side and recover back L
3&4Step R behind, L step out L and Cross R over L
5,6¼ turn L by Rock L fwd (3:00) and recover R
7&8Step back L, step together R Step fwd L
1/2 Turn, Shuffle, V Step
1,2Step fwd R ½ turn over L shoulder (9:00)
3&4Shuffle fwd RLR
5,6,7,8Step out L, step out R, step in L and step fwd R
Tag at end of 5th wall (9:00)
1,2, 3&4Rock fwd L and recover R, shuffle back LRL
5,6, 7&8Rock back R and recover L, shuffle fwd RLR
This is an optional Tag.
This dance can be done with or without the Tag and will work either way!
Have Fun!!
Contact info: krazylinedancer@yahoo.com
Last Update - 11th Nov. 2015
Rock Recover,1/2 turn, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, Shuffle
1,2Rock fwd L and recover back R
3,4½ turn over L shoulder step fwd L(6:00), step out and to the side with R foot and make another ¼ turn (3:00)
5,6Step L behind R, step R fwd and make ¼ turn R (6:00)
7&8Shuffle fwd LRL
Rock Recover, Lock back, Coaster back, 2 Walks
1,2Rock fwd R recover back L
3&4Step back R, Lock L over R, step back R (your body is angled)
5&6Step back L, step together R, step fwd L
7,8Walk fwd R, L
Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, ¼ Rock, Coaster Back
1,2Rock R to R side and recover back L
3&4Step R behind, L step out L and Cross R over L
5,6¼ turn L by Rock L fwd (3:00) and recover R
7&8Step back L, step together R Step fwd L
1/2 Turn, Shuffle, V Step
1,2Step fwd R ½ turn over L shoulder (9:00)
3&4Shuffle fwd RLR
5,6,7,8Step out L, step out R, step in L and step fwd R
Tag at end of 5th wall (9:00)
1,2, 3&4Rock fwd L and recover R, shuffle back LRL
5,6, 7&8Rock back R and recover L, shuffle fwd RLR
This is an optional Tag.
This dance can be done with or without the Tag and will work either way!
Have Fun!!
Contact info: krazylinedancer@yahoo.com
Last Update - 11th Nov. 2015