CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - September 2015
Sun On a Black Sky - The Baseballs : (Album: Game Day Deluxe)
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Introduction: 32 counts, start on approx. 16 sec.
Sequence: 64, 32, Tag (6:00), 36, Tag (6:00), 64, 32, Tag, 64, 64, 36 ending to (12:00).

Part l. 1-8 Side, Together, Back, Sweep R, Sailor Turn ¼ L, Hold.
1-4Step L to L, Step R next to L, Step L back, Sweep R from front to Back. (12:00)
5-8Step R behind L, Making ¼ turn L (9) step L to L, Step R forward, Hold.

PART II. 9-16 Hip L, Hip R, ¼ L, Replace, Sweep R, Cross, Side, Back, Sweep L.
1-4Step L to L hip to L, R hip to R, Making ¼ turn L (6) step L back in place, Sweep R from Back to Front.
5-8Step R across L, Step L to L, Step R back, Sweep L from front to back.

PART III. 17-24 Sailor Turn ¼ R, Hold, ½ Pivot Turn L, Step, Hold.
1-4Step L behind R, Making ¼ turn R (9) step R to R, Step L forward, Hold.
5-8Step R forward, pivot 1/2 Turn L onto L, Step R forward, Hold. (3:00)

PART lV. 25-32 Step, Lock, Step L Fwd, Fwd Lock Step.
1-4Step L forward, Step R behind L, Step L forward, Step R forward.
5-8Step L behind R, Step R forward, Step L forward, Hold.
*1st Tag here Wall 2 after 32 count, after start again (facing 6`clock).
***3rd Tag here Wall 5 after 32 count, after start again (facing 12`clock).

PART V. 33-40 Walks Back R-L, Step, ½ R, Back, Back, Hold.
1-4Walk R back (drag), Hold, Walk L back (drag), Hold.
**2nd Tag here Wall 3 after 36 counts, after start again (facing 6 o`clock).
5-8Step R forward, Making ½ turn R (9) step L back, Step R back, Hold.

PART Vl. 41-48 2x Rumba Box R-L with Holds.
1-4Step L to L, Step R together L, Step L forward, Hold.
5-8Step R to R, Step L together R, Step R forward, Hold.

PART Vll. 49-56 Recover, Sweep L, Back, Sweep R, Sailor Step, Hold.
1-4Step L back in place, Sweep R from front to back, Step R back, Sweep L from front to back.
5-8Step L behind R, Step R to R, Step L forward, Hold.

PART Vlll. 57-64 Fwd Rock, Recover, Side Rock, Recover, Sailor Turn ¼ L, Hold.
1-4Step R forward, recover back onto L, Step R to R, Recover back onto L.
5-8Step R behind L, Making ¼ turn L (6) step L to L, Step R forward, Hold.

1-4¼ L, Break Step Back, Recover, Together, Hip Bump R.
1-4Making ¼ turn L step R back, recover back onto L, Step R together L, Bump R hip to R.

Dance Edit, email:

1 评论

Lady Blue September 23, 2015
Dear Sebastian,

What a great dance again!!
I like always your dance moves!!

I gonna teach your dance to my class, my students like it!!
Goodluck with your brand new dance!!


Lady Blue.

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