Hold first two 8- counts. Begin dance when Eric begins singing. Weight begins on L foot.
Section 1: Scuff, Stomp, Toe Heel Toe, Sailor Step, Toe Touch Back Reverse Turn
1,2Scuff Right foot up to side stomp down (weight on R)
3&4Right toe in, Right heel in, Right toe in to bring feet to close (weight ends on L)
5&6Step Right behind Left, Left foot steps to side, Right foot steps out to side (weight on R)
7,8Left toe touches behind Right foot, unwind full turn to the Left, weight ending on L foot (12:00)
Section 2: Rock Back, Step Side, Hip Swing Right and Left, Shuffle Side, ¼ Shuffle Left
1&2Right foot steps back, recover on Left foot, step side with Right foot
3,4Swing hips to Right, swing hips to Left
5&6Step Right to side, Left foot steps in, Right foot steps out (facing 12:00)
7&8¼ turn Left and step L frwrd (7), step in together w/R foot (&), Step forward on L foot (8) (9:00)
**Tag/Restart begins here on Wall 7**
Section 3: Right Heel Grind ¼ turn Right, Heel Switches, Heel /Hook Heel Flick, ¼ turn Left, Stomp
1,2Place R Heel forward (weight on L), Swivel toe open ¼ turn to Right (12:00)
&3&4Step on R (&), place L heel forward (3), step together(&), place R heel forward (4)
&5&6Hitch R up (&), Place Right heel back down (5), Right foot flicks back (&), Right heel forward (6)
&7,8Step Right ball of foot down (&) to ¼ paddle turn to Left (7), Stomp Right foot together (8) (9:00)
Section 4: Step Diagonally forward Right, Step Diagonally forward on Left foot, Ball Change Clap (2x)
1,2Step diagonally forward onto R foot, step L foot in to close
3,4Step diagonally forward onto L foot, step R foot in to close
&5,6Step Right foot slightly behind Left (&), step forward onto Left foot (5), single clap (6)
&7&8Step Right foot slightly behind Left (&), step forward onto Left foot (7), double clap (&8)
*** ONE TAG W/RESTART ON WALL 7. Begins halfway through dance from wall 7 and ends facing wall 8 (3:00).
Restart dance from Section 1 after Tag***
***16 Count Tag (Repeats Twice): Skater Steps, Backward Diagonal Slides
1, 2Skate Right (R slides out to R side), Skate Left (L slides to L side, weight ends on L foot)
3&4Triple step side (Step R out, Step L in together, Step R)
5,6Skate Left (L steps out to L side), Skate Right (R steps to R side, weight ends on R foot)
7&8Triple step side (Step L out, Step R in together, Step L)
1,2Slide diagonally back on R foot, step L foot together,
3,4Slide diagonally back on L foot, step R foot together
5,6Slide diagonally back on R foot, step L foot together,
7,8Slide diagonally back on L foot, step R foot together
**Please do not alter this stepsheet in any way, unless granted specific permission by Kristal Lynn Konzen.**
Special Thanks to Candy Sherwin, for help with my stepsheet! | Originally created on 9.19.2015 | Updated 11.6.15
Kristal Lynn Konzen | Direct: (805) 558-1550 | Email: KristalLynnDance@gmail.com
Last Site Update – 1st Dec 2015
Section 1: Scuff, Stomp, Toe Heel Toe, Sailor Step, Toe Touch Back Reverse Turn
1,2Scuff Right foot up to side stomp down (weight on R)
3&4Right toe in, Right heel in, Right toe in to bring feet to close (weight ends on L)
5&6Step Right behind Left, Left foot steps to side, Right foot steps out to side (weight on R)
7,8Left toe touches behind Right foot, unwind full turn to the Left, weight ending on L foot (12:00)
Section 2: Rock Back, Step Side, Hip Swing Right and Left, Shuffle Side, ¼ Shuffle Left
1&2Right foot steps back, recover on Left foot, step side with Right foot
3,4Swing hips to Right, swing hips to Left
5&6Step Right to side, Left foot steps in, Right foot steps out (facing 12:00)
7&8¼ turn Left and step L frwrd (7), step in together w/R foot (&), Step forward on L foot (8) (9:00)
**Tag/Restart begins here on Wall 7**
Section 3: Right Heel Grind ¼ turn Right, Heel Switches, Heel /Hook Heel Flick, ¼ turn Left, Stomp
1,2Place R Heel forward (weight on L), Swivel toe open ¼ turn to Right (12:00)
&3&4Step on R (&), place L heel forward (3), step together(&), place R heel forward (4)
&5&6Hitch R up (&), Place Right heel back down (5), Right foot flicks back (&), Right heel forward (6)
&7,8Step Right ball of foot down (&) to ¼ paddle turn to Left (7), Stomp Right foot together (8) (9:00)
Section 4: Step Diagonally forward Right, Step Diagonally forward on Left foot, Ball Change Clap (2x)
1,2Step diagonally forward onto R foot, step L foot in to close
3,4Step diagonally forward onto L foot, step R foot in to close
&5,6Step Right foot slightly behind Left (&), step forward onto Left foot (5), single clap (6)
&7&8Step Right foot slightly behind Left (&), step forward onto Left foot (7), double clap (&8)
*** ONE TAG W/RESTART ON WALL 7. Begins halfway through dance from wall 7 and ends facing wall 8 (3:00).
Restart dance from Section 1 after Tag***
***16 Count Tag (Repeats Twice): Skater Steps, Backward Diagonal Slides
1, 2Skate Right (R slides out to R side), Skate Left (L slides to L side, weight ends on L foot)
3&4Triple step side (Step R out, Step L in together, Step R)
5,6Skate Left (L steps out to L side), Skate Right (R steps to R side, weight ends on R foot)
7&8Triple step side (Step L out, Step R in together, Step L)
1,2Slide diagonally back on R foot, step L foot together,
3,4Slide diagonally back on L foot, step R foot together
5,6Slide diagonally back on R foot, step L foot together,
7,8Slide diagonally back on L foot, step R foot together
**Please do not alter this stepsheet in any way, unless granted specific permission by Kristal Lynn Konzen.**
Special Thanks to Candy Sherwin, for help with my stepsheet! | Originally created on 9.19.2015 | Updated 11.6.15
Kristal Lynn Konzen | Direct: (805) 558-1550 | Email: KristalLynnDance@gmail.com
Last Site Update – 1st Dec 2015