Intro: 16 counts
S1: Cross rock, chassé R, cross rock, chassé 1/4 L
1RF cross rock
2weight back on LF
3RF side step R
&LF close
4RF side step R
5LF cross rock
6weight back on RF
7LF side step L
&RF close
8LF step 1/4 turn L
S2: Skates, fwd shuffle, rocking chair
1RF skate fwd
2LF skate fwd
3RF step fwd
&LF close
4RF step fwd
5LF rock fwd
6weight back on RF
7LF rock back
8weight back on RF
S3: Step, pivot 1/4 R, weave 1/4 R, rock step
1LF step fwd
2LF + RF turn 1/4 R
3LF cross over
4RF side step R
5LF cross behind
6RF step 1/4 turn R
7LF rock fwd
8weight back on RF
S4: Step back, Sweep (x2), rock step, step fwd, hold
1LF step back
2sweep R leg back
3RF step back
4sweep L leg back
5LF rock back
6weight back on RF
7LF step fwd
* Restarts here
S5: Jazzbox 1/4 R with touch, side step, touch, fwd shuffle
1RF cross over
2LF step back
3RF step 1/4 turn R
4LF touch beside
5LF side step L
6RF touch beside
7RF step fwd
&LF close
8RF step fwd
S6: Rock step, touch behind, pivot 1/2 L, 2x 1/2 turn L, fwd shuffle
1LF rock fwd
2weight back on RF
3LF touch behind
4LF + RF turn 1/2 L (weight on L)
5RF step fwd 1/2 turn L
6LF step back1/2 turn L
7RF step fwd
&LF close
8RF step fwd
Option count 5 and 6: step fwd R - L
S7: Jazzbox 1/4 L, touch, hip bumps R + L
1LF cross over
2RF step back
3LF step 1/4 turn L
4RF touch beside
5RF step fwd diag R and bump hip R
6bump hip L
7bump hip R
&bump hip L
8bump hip R
S8: Mambo step, hold, rock step, paddle turn 1/4 L
1LF rock fwd
2weight back on RF
3LF step back
5RF rock back
6weight back on LF
7RF step fwd on ball
81/4 L weight back on LF (with hip turn)
Start Again!
Restarts: Dance in the 2nd and 4th walls the first 32 counts*
(section 1-2-3-4) and start over again
Contact – E-mail: ericadevaan@live.nl
S1: Cross rock, chassé R, cross rock, chassé 1/4 L
1RF cross rock
2weight back on LF
3RF side step R
&LF close
4RF side step R
5LF cross rock
6weight back on RF
7LF side step L
&RF close
8LF step 1/4 turn L
S2: Skates, fwd shuffle, rocking chair
1RF skate fwd
2LF skate fwd
3RF step fwd
&LF close
4RF step fwd
5LF rock fwd
6weight back on RF
7LF rock back
8weight back on RF
S3: Step, pivot 1/4 R, weave 1/4 R, rock step
1LF step fwd
2LF + RF turn 1/4 R
3LF cross over
4RF side step R
5LF cross behind
6RF step 1/4 turn R
7LF rock fwd
8weight back on RF
S4: Step back, Sweep (x2), rock step, step fwd, hold
1LF step back
2sweep R leg back
3RF step back
4sweep L leg back
5LF rock back
6weight back on RF
7LF step fwd
* Restarts here
S5: Jazzbox 1/4 R with touch, side step, touch, fwd shuffle
1RF cross over
2LF step back
3RF step 1/4 turn R
4LF touch beside
5LF side step L
6RF touch beside
7RF step fwd
&LF close
8RF step fwd
S6: Rock step, touch behind, pivot 1/2 L, 2x 1/2 turn L, fwd shuffle
1LF rock fwd
2weight back on RF
3LF touch behind
4LF + RF turn 1/2 L (weight on L)
5RF step fwd 1/2 turn L
6LF step back1/2 turn L
7RF step fwd
&LF close
8RF step fwd
Option count 5 and 6: step fwd R - L
S7: Jazzbox 1/4 L, touch, hip bumps R + L
1LF cross over
2RF step back
3LF step 1/4 turn L
4RF touch beside
5RF step fwd diag R and bump hip R
6bump hip L
7bump hip R
&bump hip L
8bump hip R
S8: Mambo step, hold, rock step, paddle turn 1/4 L
1LF rock fwd
2weight back on RF
3LF step back
5RF rock back
6weight back on LF
7RF step fwd on ball
81/4 L weight back on LF (with hip turn)
Start Again!
Restarts: Dance in the 2nd and 4th walls the first 32 counts*
(section 1-2-3-4) and start over again
Contact – E-mail: ericadevaan@live.nl