High Beginner
Dance starts on lyrics.
(1-8) Step Lock, Forward Shuffle, Rock Recover, Shuffle Back
12Step left foot forward, Lock right foot behind left
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
56Rock forward on right foot, Recover back onto left
7&8Shuffle back right, left, right
(9-16) Back Rock Recover, Forward Shuffle, Side Rock, Sailor Step
12Rock back onto left, Recover forward onto right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
56Rock right to side, Recover to left
7&8Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to side
(17-24) Step ¼ turn, Crossing Shuffle, ½ Hinge Turn, Crossing Shuffle
12Step left foot forward, pivot ¼ turn right (weight on right) 3:00 wall
3&4Step left across right, step right to side, cross, left over right
56Stepping back on right make ¼ turn left, stepping left ¼ left 9:00 wall
7&8Step right across left, step left to side, step right across left
(25-26) Sway, Sway
12Step left to side swaying hips left, Sway back to the right
Begin again! - NO TAGS or RESTARTS!
-Notes: During wall 7, if you add attitude to count 5, 6 in section 2 and then again to count 1,2 in section 4, it all phrases out. It feels great.
Contact: boundlessboots@gmail.com
(1-8) Step Lock, Forward Shuffle, Rock Recover, Shuffle Back
12Step left foot forward, Lock right foot behind left
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
56Rock forward on right foot, Recover back onto left
7&8Shuffle back right, left, right
(9-16) Back Rock Recover, Forward Shuffle, Side Rock, Sailor Step
12Rock back onto left, Recover forward onto right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
56Rock right to side, Recover to left
7&8Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to side
(17-24) Step ¼ turn, Crossing Shuffle, ½ Hinge Turn, Crossing Shuffle
12Step left foot forward, pivot ¼ turn right (weight on right) 3:00 wall
3&4Step left across right, step right to side, cross, left over right
56Stepping back on right make ¼ turn left, stepping left ¼ left 9:00 wall
7&8Step right across left, step left to side, step right across left
(25-26) Sway, Sway
12Step left to side swaying hips left, Sway back to the right
Begin again! - NO TAGS or RESTARTS!
-Notes: During wall 7, if you add attitude to count 5, 6 in section 2 and then again to count 1,2 in section 4, it all phrases out. It feels great.
Contact: boundlessboots@gmail.com