Beginner waltz
Intro: 24 counts (No tags or restarts)
Sway L, sway R
1-3Sway L to left, hold 2 cnts
4-6Sway R to right, hold 2 cnts
Turn ¼ left, hold, cross, side rock
1-31/4 turn left step L fwd, hold 2 cnts [9:00]
4-6Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover R
Step, hold, touch, hold
1-3Step L fwd, hold 2 cnts
4-6Touch R beside L, hold 2 cnts
Sailor step, back, sweep
1-3Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side
4-6Step L behind R, sweep R from front to back over 2 cnts
Behind, hold, turn ¼ step, hold
1-3Step R behind L, hold 2 cnts
4-6Turn ¼ left step L fwd, hold 2 cnts [6:00]
Point, hold, rock, recover, point
1-3Point R to right diagonal, hold 2 cnts
4-6Rock R back, recover L, point R to right diagonal
Back, sweep, back, sweep
1-3Step R back, sweep L from front to back over 2 cnts
4-6Step L back, sweep R from front to back over 2 cnts
Sailor turn ¼, touch, hold
1-3Turn ¼ right step R behind L, step L to left, step R to right [9:00]
4-6Touch L beside R, hold 2 cnts
Sway L, sway R
1-3Sway L to left, hold 2 cnts
4-6Sway R to right, hold 2 cnts
Turn ¼ left, hold, cross, side rock
1-31/4 turn left step L fwd, hold 2 cnts [9:00]
4-6Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover R
Step, hold, touch, hold
1-3Step L fwd, hold 2 cnts
4-6Touch R beside L, hold 2 cnts
Sailor step, back, sweep
1-3Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side
4-6Step L behind R, sweep R from front to back over 2 cnts
Behind, hold, turn ¼ step, hold
1-3Step R behind L, hold 2 cnts
4-6Turn ¼ left step L fwd, hold 2 cnts [6:00]
Point, hold, rock, recover, point
1-3Point R to right diagonal, hold 2 cnts
4-6Rock R back, recover L, point R to right diagonal
Back, sweep, back, sweep
1-3Step R back, sweep L from front to back over 2 cnts
4-6Step L back, sweep R from front to back over 2 cnts
Sailor turn ¼, touch, hold
1-3Turn ¼ right step R behind L, step L to left, step R to right [9:00]
4-6Touch L beside R, hold 2 cnts