Begin dance after count 16 (on vocals)
S1: Side, Hold, Behind & Cross, Side, Replace, Cross Shuffle
1,2,3&4Large step R to R side, hold (drag L towards R), step L behind R, step R to R, cross L over R
5,6,7&8Rock R to R side, replace weight onto L, cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L 12:00
S2: ½ Hinge Turn, Lock Shuffle Fwd (diagonal), Fwd, Hitch, Coaster
1,2,3&4Turn ¼ R stepping back on L, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, turn 1/8 R stepping L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd 7:30
5,6,7&8Step R fwd, hitch L knee up, step L back, step R together, step L fwd (still facing diagonal) 7:30
S3: Rocking Chair, Rock Fwd, Rock Back, Full Turn
1,2,3,4Rock fwd on R, replace weight back onto L, rock back on R (look back over R shoulder), rock fwd onto L 7:30
5,6,7,8Rock fwd onto R, rock back onto L, make ½ turn R stepping fwd onto R. 1:30 , Make ½ turn R stepping back on L 7:30
S4: ½ Shuffle Fwd, Side Rock, Replace (square up), Cross, Hold, Side, Behind, ¼ Fwd
1&2Make ½ turn R stepping R fwd, step L together, step R fwd,
3,4Turn 1/8 R rocking L to L side, replace weight onto R 3:00
5,6&7,8Cross L over R, hold, step R to R side, cross L behind R, turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R 6:00
S5: Rock Fwd, Back, Coaster, Rock Fwd, Rock Back, ½ Shuffle Fwd
1,2,3&4Rock L fwd, rock back onto R, step L back, step R together, step L fwd
(3rd Restart occurs here)
5,6,7&8Rock R fwd, rock back onto L, make ½ turn R stepping R fwd, step L together, step R fwd 12:00
S6: ½ Turn Walking Back x2, Coaster Cross, 2x Travelling Kick-Ball Crosses
1,2,3&4Make ½ turn R stepping back on L, step back on R, step back on L, step R together, Cross L over R 6:00
5,&6Kick R fwd onto R diagonal, step R slightly to R, cross L over R
(1st,2nd & 4th Restarts occur here)
7&8Kick R fwd onto R diagonal, step R slightly to R, cross L over R 6:00
S7: Side, ½ Sweep, Behind and Cross, Side, Replace, Cross, Side Rock
1,2Step R to R, start sweeping L around anti-clockwise as you make ½ turn L 12:00
3&4Step L slightly behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5,6,7,8(the following four counts are completed whilst travelling fwd) Rock R to R side, replace weight onto L, cross R over L, rock L to L side 12:00
S8: Replace, Cross, ½ Hinge Turn, Diagonal Fwd, Kick, Coaster Cross
1,2,3,4Replace weight onto R, cross L over R, turn ¼ L stepping back on R, turn ¼ L stepping L to L, 6:00
5,6Turn 1/8 L stepping R fwd, kick L fwd 4:30
7&8step back on L, turn 1/8 R to square up stepping R to R, Cross L over R 6:00
Sequence: 46, 46, 64, 64, 36, 46, 64, 64
(1) During the first sequence, begin facing 12:00, restart after count 46 facing 6:00
(2) During the second sequence, begin facing 6:00, restart after count 46 facing 12:00
(3) During the fifth sequence, begin facing 12:00, restart after count 36 facing 6:00
(4) During the sixth sequence, begin facing 6:00, restart after count 46 facing 12:00
Finish: Dance to count 18, ‘ rock fwd on R, back on L’ make 3/8 turn to front stomping R forward.
Maddison Glover : http://www.linedancewithillawarra.com/maddy-glover - +61430346939 - madpuggy@hotmail.com
Thankyou to my big brother Dion for recommending the track xx
S1: Side, Hold, Behind & Cross, Side, Replace, Cross Shuffle
1,2,3&4Large step R to R side, hold (drag L towards R), step L behind R, step R to R, cross L over R
5,6,7&8Rock R to R side, replace weight onto L, cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L 12:00
S2: ½ Hinge Turn, Lock Shuffle Fwd (diagonal), Fwd, Hitch, Coaster
1,2,3&4Turn ¼ R stepping back on L, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, turn 1/8 R stepping L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd 7:30
5,6,7&8Step R fwd, hitch L knee up, step L back, step R together, step L fwd (still facing diagonal) 7:30
S3: Rocking Chair, Rock Fwd, Rock Back, Full Turn
1,2,3,4Rock fwd on R, replace weight back onto L, rock back on R (look back over R shoulder), rock fwd onto L 7:30
5,6,7,8Rock fwd onto R, rock back onto L, make ½ turn R stepping fwd onto R. 1:30 , Make ½ turn R stepping back on L 7:30
S4: ½ Shuffle Fwd, Side Rock, Replace (square up), Cross, Hold, Side, Behind, ¼ Fwd
1&2Make ½ turn R stepping R fwd, step L together, step R fwd,
3,4Turn 1/8 R rocking L to L side, replace weight onto R 3:00
5,6&7,8Cross L over R, hold, step R to R side, cross L behind R, turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R 6:00
S5: Rock Fwd, Back, Coaster, Rock Fwd, Rock Back, ½ Shuffle Fwd
1,2,3&4Rock L fwd, rock back onto R, step L back, step R together, step L fwd
(3rd Restart occurs here)
5,6,7&8Rock R fwd, rock back onto L, make ½ turn R stepping R fwd, step L together, step R fwd 12:00
S6: ½ Turn Walking Back x2, Coaster Cross, 2x Travelling Kick-Ball Crosses
1,2,3&4Make ½ turn R stepping back on L, step back on R, step back on L, step R together, Cross L over R 6:00
5,&6Kick R fwd onto R diagonal, step R slightly to R, cross L over R
(1st,2nd & 4th Restarts occur here)
7&8Kick R fwd onto R diagonal, step R slightly to R, cross L over R 6:00
S7: Side, ½ Sweep, Behind and Cross, Side, Replace, Cross, Side Rock
1,2Step R to R, start sweeping L around anti-clockwise as you make ½ turn L 12:00
3&4Step L slightly behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5,6,7,8(the following four counts are completed whilst travelling fwd) Rock R to R side, replace weight onto L, cross R over L, rock L to L side 12:00
S8: Replace, Cross, ½ Hinge Turn, Diagonal Fwd, Kick, Coaster Cross
1,2,3,4Replace weight onto R, cross L over R, turn ¼ L stepping back on R, turn ¼ L stepping L to L, 6:00
5,6Turn 1/8 L stepping R fwd, kick L fwd 4:30
7&8step back on L, turn 1/8 R to square up stepping R to R, Cross L over R 6:00
Sequence: 46, 46, 64, 64, 36, 46, 64, 64
(1) During the first sequence, begin facing 12:00, restart after count 46 facing 6:00
(2) During the second sequence, begin facing 6:00, restart after count 46 facing 12:00
(3) During the fifth sequence, begin facing 12:00, restart after count 36 facing 6:00
(4) During the sixth sequence, begin facing 6:00, restart after count 46 facing 12:00
Finish: Dance to count 18, ‘ rock fwd on R, back on L’ make 3/8 turn to front stomping R forward.
Maddison Glover : http://www.linedancewithillawarra.com/maddy-glover - +61430346939 - madpuggy@hotmail.com
Thankyou to my big brother Dion for recommending the track xx