Intro: 16 Counts
R side Rock-Rec Shuffle fwd RLR, L side Rock-Rec Shuffle back LRL
1 2 3&4Rock (or touch) R to right, Recover L, Step fwd R, Step L to R, Step fwd R
5 6 7&8Rock (or touch) L to left, Recover R, Step back L, Step R to L, Step back L
R wide back Clap L wide back Clap, R Coaster L Step 1/4 right
1 2 3 4Step wide right back R, Face right and clap, Step wide left back L, Face left and clap
5&6 7 8Step back R, Step L to R, Step fwd R, Step fwd L, Turn 1/4 right and step R
L Cross-Rec Triple in place LRL, R Cross-Rec Triple in place RLR
1 2 3&4Cross rock L over R, Recover R, Step L, Step R, Step L
5 6 7&8Cross rock R over L, Recover L, Step R, Step L, Step R
L fwd Jazzbox, L Rock-Rec L Coaster
1 2 3 4Step slightly fwd L, Cross R over L, Step back L, Step R to L
5 6 7&8Rock fwd L, Recover R, Step back L, Step R to L, Step fwd L
Option for Section 4: 1-4 Step L 1/2 right Step L 1/2 right
1 2 3 4Step fwd L, Turn1/2 right and step R, Step fwd L, Turn 1/2 right and step R
REPEAT – Enjoy memory lane – sing along and show some attitude!
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way.
If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.
Contact: willbeys@aol.com [ http://bobbeywillson.weebly.com ]
R side Rock-Rec Shuffle fwd RLR, L side Rock-Rec Shuffle back LRL
1 2 3&4Rock (or touch) R to right, Recover L, Step fwd R, Step L to R, Step fwd R
5 6 7&8Rock (or touch) L to left, Recover R, Step back L, Step R to L, Step back L
R wide back Clap L wide back Clap, R Coaster L Step 1/4 right
1 2 3 4Step wide right back R, Face right and clap, Step wide left back L, Face left and clap
5&6 7 8Step back R, Step L to R, Step fwd R, Step fwd L, Turn 1/4 right and step R
L Cross-Rec Triple in place LRL, R Cross-Rec Triple in place RLR
1 2 3&4Cross rock L over R, Recover R, Step L, Step R, Step L
5 6 7&8Cross rock R over L, Recover L, Step R, Step L, Step R
L fwd Jazzbox, L Rock-Rec L Coaster
1 2 3 4Step slightly fwd L, Cross R over L, Step back L, Step R to L
5 6 7&8Rock fwd L, Recover R, Step back L, Step R to L, Step fwd L
Option for Section 4: 1-4 Step L 1/2 right Step L 1/2 right
1 2 3 4Step fwd L, Turn1/2 right and step R, Step fwd L, Turn 1/2 right and step R
REPEAT – Enjoy memory lane – sing along and show some attitude!
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way.
If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.
Contact: willbeys@aol.com [ http://bobbeywillson.weebly.com ]