S1: Step touch, Step touch with clap *2
1-4Step R forward on right diagonal, touch L next to R and clap hands, step L forward on left diagonal, touch R next to L and clap hands.
5-8Step R forward on right diagonal, touch L next to R and clap hands, step L forward on left diagonal, touch R next to L and clap hands.
S2: Step Back, Kick fwd, *2
1-4Step back right, kick fwd L, Step back left, kick fwd R
5-8Repeat 1-4
S3: Grapevine right, Grapevine left
1-4Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, touch L next to R
5-8Step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, touch R next to L
S4: Swivel heels R, Swivel toes R*2, Swivel toes L, Swivel heels L*2
1-4Swivel heels R, swivel toes R, swivel heels R, swivel toes R
5-8Swivel toes L, swivel heels L, swivel toes L, swivel heels L
S5: Step Fwd R L R L, R Rocking chair
1-4Step R fwd with swiveling ball of foot(directing knee to inside),L, R, L
5-8Rock R fwd, recover weight on L, rock R back, recover weight on L
S6: Jazz Box 1/4 turn*2
1-4Cross R over L, 1/4 turn R step back on L, step R to R side, step Fwd on L
5-8Repeat 1-4
S7: Swivel heels R, swivel toes R*2, Swivel toes L, swivel heels L*2
1-4Swivel heels R, swivel toes R, swivel heels R, swivel toes R
5-8Swivel toes L, swivel heels L, swivel toes L, swivel heels L
S8: 1/4 Turn L Swivel heels R, swivel toes R*2, Swivel toes L, swivel heels L*2
1-4 1/4Turn L Swivel heels R, swivel toes R, swivel heels R, swivel toes R
5-8Swivel toes L, swivel heels L, swivel toes L, swivel heels L
Restart; Wall 4 after 40 counts(9:00)
Ending: Wall 6 after step right forward, Pivot 1/2 turn left (facing 12:00)
Misuk La : lamisuk@naver.com
Hyunju Yun: pureair22@naver.com
1-4Step R forward on right diagonal, touch L next to R and clap hands, step L forward on left diagonal, touch R next to L and clap hands.
5-8Step R forward on right diagonal, touch L next to R and clap hands, step L forward on left diagonal, touch R next to L and clap hands.
S2: Step Back, Kick fwd, *2
1-4Step back right, kick fwd L, Step back left, kick fwd R
5-8Repeat 1-4
S3: Grapevine right, Grapevine left
1-4Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, touch L next to R
5-8Step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, touch R next to L
S4: Swivel heels R, Swivel toes R*2, Swivel toes L, Swivel heels L*2
1-4Swivel heels R, swivel toes R, swivel heels R, swivel toes R
5-8Swivel toes L, swivel heels L, swivel toes L, swivel heels L
S5: Step Fwd R L R L, R Rocking chair
1-4Step R fwd with swiveling ball of foot(directing knee to inside),L, R, L
5-8Rock R fwd, recover weight on L, rock R back, recover weight on L
S6: Jazz Box 1/4 turn*2
1-4Cross R over L, 1/4 turn R step back on L, step R to R side, step Fwd on L
5-8Repeat 1-4
S7: Swivel heels R, swivel toes R*2, Swivel toes L, swivel heels L*2
1-4Swivel heels R, swivel toes R, swivel heels R, swivel toes R
5-8Swivel toes L, swivel heels L, swivel toes L, swivel heels L
S8: 1/4 Turn L Swivel heels R, swivel toes R*2, Swivel toes L, swivel heels L*2
1-4 1/4Turn L Swivel heels R, swivel toes R, swivel heels R, swivel toes R
5-8Swivel toes L, swivel heels L, swivel toes L, swivel heels L
Restart; Wall 4 after 40 counts(9:00)
Ending: Wall 6 after step right forward, Pivot 1/2 turn left (facing 12:00)
Misuk La : lamisuk@naver.com
Hyunju Yun: pureair22@naver.com