Advanced waltz
Introduction: 24 counts, start on vocal approx. 8 sec. (No Tags Or Restarts)
Part l. 1-6: Sways L-R.
1-3Sway L to L over 3 counts.
4-6Sway R to R over 3 counts. (12:00)
PART II. 7-12: ¼ L, Step, ½ L, Back, Back, R Big Step Back, Drag, Hold (2X).
1-3Making 1/4 turn L stepping L forward, making 1/2 turn L stepping R back , stepping L back. (3:00)
4-6Stepping R big back, drag L over 2 counts.
PART III. 13-18: Back Rock, Recover, Hold.
1-3Step L back over 3 counts.
4-6Recover back onto R over 3 counts.
PART IV. 19-24: Full Turn L (travelling fwd), Check Fwd, Hold 2x.
1-3Step L forward, making 1/2 turn L stepping R back, making 1/2 turn L stepping L forward (3.00)
4-6Check R forward over 3 counts.
PART V. 25-30: Replace, Sweep R, Sailor R.
1-3Step L back in place slightly back, sweeping R from front to back over 3 counts.
4-6Step R behind L, step L to L, step R to R. (3:00)
Part Vl. 31-36: Replace, Sweep R, Behind, Side, Cross.
1-3Step L back in place slightly behind R, sweeping R from front to back over 3 counts.
4-6Step R behind L, step L to L, step R across L.
PART Vll. 37-42: Sways L-R.
1-3Sway L to L over 3 counts.
4-6Sway R to R over 3 counts. (3:00)
PART Vlll. 43-48: Twinkle ½ Turn L, Twinkle 5/8 Turn R.
1-3Step L across forward R, making 1/4 turn L stepping Rf back, making 1/4 turn L stepping L to L. (9.00)
4-6Step R across forward L, making 1/4 turn R stepping L back, making 1/4 turn R stepping R to right squaring up to (4.30).
PART lX. 49-54: Check Fwd, Hold (2X), Back (3X).
1-3Check L forward over 3 counts (4.30 o`clock).
4-6Stepping R back, stepping L back, stepping R back.
PART X. 55-60: 1/2 L, 1/2 L, Back L, Back R, 1/2 turn L, Step Forward R
1-3Making 1/2 turn L stepping L forward (10.30), making ½ turn L stepping Rf back ( 4.30), step L back.
4-6Step R back, making ½ turn L stepping Lf forward (10.30), step R forward.
PART Xl. 61-66: Check Fwd, Hold (2x), Recover Hold (2X).
1-3Check L forward over 3 counts,
4-6Recover back onto R over 3 counts.
PART Xll. 67-72: Step, Sweep 3/8 Turn L, Cross Sailor Step R (travelling Fwd).
1-3Step L forward, start sweeping R from back to front starting 3/8 turn left, finish turn and sweep squaring up to (6.00)
4-6Step R across L, step L to L, step R to R (slightly moving forward).
PART Xlll. 73-78: Step, Sweep 3/8 Turn R, Cross Sailor Step R.
1-3Step L forward, start sweeping R from back to front, finish sweep (6.00)
4-6Step R across in front of L, make 3/8 turn right stepping L to L, step R to R squaring up to (10.30).
PART XlV. 79-84: Step, Hold (2X), Touch (2X).
1-3Step L forward over 3 counts.
4-6Touch R next to L, Hold for 2 counts. (10.30)
PART XV. 85-90: Twinkle Back R, Twinkle Back L (On Diagonal)
1-3Cross R behind L, step L to L, making ¼ turn L stepping R back.
4-6Cross L behind R, Rf step R to R, making ¼ turn R stepping L back.
PART XVl. 91-96: Back R, 1/2 Turn L, Hold, 7/8 Platform Turn L.
1-3Rf step back, making ½ turn L on R over 2 counts. (4.30)
4-6Step L forward, close R next to L, making 7/8 turn L on spot squaring up to (6:00).
Dance Edit: Email: jose_nl@hotmail.com, smooth dancer79@hotmail.com , royverdonkdancers@gmail.com
Part l. 1-6: Sways L-R.
1-3Sway L to L over 3 counts.
4-6Sway R to R over 3 counts. (12:00)
PART II. 7-12: ¼ L, Step, ½ L, Back, Back, R Big Step Back, Drag, Hold (2X).
1-3Making 1/4 turn L stepping L forward, making 1/2 turn L stepping R back , stepping L back. (3:00)
4-6Stepping R big back, drag L over 2 counts.
PART III. 13-18: Back Rock, Recover, Hold.
1-3Step L back over 3 counts.
4-6Recover back onto R over 3 counts.
PART IV. 19-24: Full Turn L (travelling fwd), Check Fwd, Hold 2x.
1-3Step L forward, making 1/2 turn L stepping R back, making 1/2 turn L stepping L forward (3.00)
4-6Check R forward over 3 counts.
PART V. 25-30: Replace, Sweep R, Sailor R.
1-3Step L back in place slightly back, sweeping R from front to back over 3 counts.
4-6Step R behind L, step L to L, step R to R. (3:00)
Part Vl. 31-36: Replace, Sweep R, Behind, Side, Cross.
1-3Step L back in place slightly behind R, sweeping R from front to back over 3 counts.
4-6Step R behind L, step L to L, step R across L.
PART Vll. 37-42: Sways L-R.
1-3Sway L to L over 3 counts.
4-6Sway R to R over 3 counts. (3:00)
PART Vlll. 43-48: Twinkle ½ Turn L, Twinkle 5/8 Turn R.
1-3Step L across forward R, making 1/4 turn L stepping Rf back, making 1/4 turn L stepping L to L. (9.00)
4-6Step R across forward L, making 1/4 turn R stepping L back, making 1/4 turn R stepping R to right squaring up to (4.30).
PART lX. 49-54: Check Fwd, Hold (2X), Back (3X).
1-3Check L forward over 3 counts (4.30 o`clock).
4-6Stepping R back, stepping L back, stepping R back.
PART X. 55-60: 1/2 L, 1/2 L, Back L, Back R, 1/2 turn L, Step Forward R
1-3Making 1/2 turn L stepping L forward (10.30), making ½ turn L stepping Rf back ( 4.30), step L back.
4-6Step R back, making ½ turn L stepping Lf forward (10.30), step R forward.
PART Xl. 61-66: Check Fwd, Hold (2x), Recover Hold (2X).
1-3Check L forward over 3 counts,
4-6Recover back onto R over 3 counts.
PART Xll. 67-72: Step, Sweep 3/8 Turn L, Cross Sailor Step R (travelling Fwd).
1-3Step L forward, start sweeping R from back to front starting 3/8 turn left, finish turn and sweep squaring up to (6.00)
4-6Step R across L, step L to L, step R to R (slightly moving forward).
PART Xlll. 73-78: Step, Sweep 3/8 Turn R, Cross Sailor Step R.
1-3Step L forward, start sweeping R from back to front, finish sweep (6.00)
4-6Step R across in front of L, make 3/8 turn right stepping L to L, step R to R squaring up to (10.30).
PART XlV. 79-84: Step, Hold (2X), Touch (2X).
1-3Step L forward over 3 counts.
4-6Touch R next to L, Hold for 2 counts. (10.30)
PART XV. 85-90: Twinkle Back R, Twinkle Back L (On Diagonal)
1-3Cross R behind L, step L to L, making ¼ turn L stepping R back.
4-6Cross L behind R, Rf step R to R, making ¼ turn R stepping L back.
PART XVl. 91-96: Back R, 1/2 Turn L, Hold, 7/8 Platform Turn L.
1-3Rf step back, making ½ turn L on R over 2 counts. (4.30)
4-6Step L forward, close R next to L, making 7/8 turn L on spot squaring up to (6:00).
Dance Edit: Email: jose_nl@hotmail.com, smooth dancer79@hotmail.com , royverdonkdancers@gmail.com