Upper Beginner
#16 Count intro. Direction: Clockwise
[1 – 8] R fwd Toe strut, L fwd Heel strut, R lock fwd, scuff
1, 2(R Toe strut) R toe fwd, Drop R Heel
3, 4(L Heel Strut) L heel fwd, Drop L Toe
5, 6, 7, 8Step R fwd, Lock L behind R, Step R fwd, Scuff L fwd 12.00
[9 – 16] Fwd, ¼ Right paddle, Cross L toe Strut, Behind, Side, Rock side,
1, 2Step L fwd, ¼ Right paddle turn (wght on R), 3.00
3, 4Cross L toe over R, Drop L heel
5, 6, 7, 8Step R to Right, Step L behind R, Step R to Right, Rock L to Left **
[17 -24] Back, Touch out to L, Back, Touch out to R, Slow Right Sailor, Hold
1 , 2Step R back, Touch L toe out to Left,
3, 4Step L back, Touch R toe out to Right
5, 6, 7, 8Step R behind L, Step L to Left, Step R to Right, Hold
[25 – 32] Left Coaster, Touch, Fwd diag, Touch/clap, Fwd diag, touch/clap
1, 2, 3, 4Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd, Touch R toe beside L
5, 6Step R fwd at R 45, Touch L toe beside R/clap,
7, 8Step L fwd at L 45, Touch R toe beside L/clap
Short wall on Wall 5 (12.00) – Dance first 16 counts ** then start again at 3.00
Last Wall 14 (3.00) dance to end (you will be facing 6.00 then add):
¼ Left turn & step R to Right (3.00) turn your head to look at the same time to left at 12.00 to finish
Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h), Mob: 0438 735 122 - Email: luolsen@bigpond.net.au - web: borderlinedancers.com
[1 – 8] R fwd Toe strut, L fwd Heel strut, R lock fwd, scuff
1, 2(R Toe strut) R toe fwd, Drop R Heel
3, 4(L Heel Strut) L heel fwd, Drop L Toe
5, 6, 7, 8Step R fwd, Lock L behind R, Step R fwd, Scuff L fwd 12.00
[9 – 16] Fwd, ¼ Right paddle, Cross L toe Strut, Behind, Side, Rock side,
1, 2Step L fwd, ¼ Right paddle turn (wght on R), 3.00
3, 4Cross L toe over R, Drop L heel
5, 6, 7, 8Step R to Right, Step L behind R, Step R to Right, Rock L to Left **
[17 -24] Back, Touch out to L, Back, Touch out to R, Slow Right Sailor, Hold
1 , 2Step R back, Touch L toe out to Left,
3, 4Step L back, Touch R toe out to Right
5, 6, 7, 8Step R behind L, Step L to Left, Step R to Right, Hold
[25 – 32] Left Coaster, Touch, Fwd diag, Touch/clap, Fwd diag, touch/clap
1, 2, 3, 4Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd, Touch R toe beside L
5, 6Step R fwd at R 45, Touch L toe beside R/clap,
7, 8Step L fwd at L 45, Touch R toe beside L/clap
Short wall on Wall 5 (12.00) – Dance first 16 counts ** then start again at 3.00
Last Wall 14 (3.00) dance to end (you will be facing 6.00 then add):
¼ Left turn & step R to Right (3.00) turn your head to look at the same time to left at 12.00 to finish
Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h), Mob: 0438 735 122 - Email: luolsen@bigpond.net.au - web: borderlinedancers.com