Intro: 32 counts; start on vocals !
Section 1: Skate forward R/L, shuffle L/R shuffle
1-2right slide diagonal forward left slide diagonal forward
3&4step right forward step left beside step right forward
5-6left slide diagonal forward right slide diagonal forward
7&8step left forward step right beside step left forward.
Section 2: Step pivot ½ right Shuffle forward step left ¼ turn L Sailor
1-2step right forward turning ½ right
3&4step right forward step left forward step right forward
5-6step left forward turning ¼ left
7&8cross left behind right step right in place step left to left side
Section 3: R Sailor Unwind ½ Turn Walk forward R/L Mambo forward R
1&2cross right behind left step left in place step right to right
3-4touch left toe behind right turning ½ left
5-6walk forward stepping right, left
7&8rock forward on right rock back on left step right back
Section 4: Walk back L/R Coaster L Jazz Box R ¼ Turn
1-2step back left step back right
3&4step left back step right beside left step left forward
5-6-7-8cross right over left step back on left step right turning ¼ step left beside
Happy Dancing !!!
Contact: sadielinedancer@gmail.com
Section 1: Skate forward R/L, shuffle L/R shuffle
1-2right slide diagonal forward left slide diagonal forward
3&4step right forward step left beside step right forward
5-6left slide diagonal forward right slide diagonal forward
7&8step left forward step right beside step left forward.
Section 2: Step pivot ½ right Shuffle forward step left ¼ turn L Sailor
1-2step right forward turning ½ right
3&4step right forward step left forward step right forward
5-6step left forward turning ¼ left
7&8cross left behind right step right in place step left to left side
Section 3: R Sailor Unwind ½ Turn Walk forward R/L Mambo forward R
1&2cross right behind left step left in place step right to right
3-4touch left toe behind right turning ½ left
5-6walk forward stepping right, left
7&8rock forward on right rock back on left step right back
Section 4: Walk back L/R Coaster L Jazz Box R ¼ Turn
1-2step back left step back right
3&4step left back step right beside left step left forward
5-6-7-8cross right over left step back on left step right turning ¼ step left beside
Happy Dancing !!!
Contact: sadielinedancer@gmail.com