Start on first verse (36 counts into the music)
Left Kick and point, pivot and together, rock and cross (2x)
1&2L kick forward, touch L together, point R behind
3&4½ turn right with R knee popped(weight still on left), switch weight to R leg, touch L together
5&6L rock left, recover, cross L over R
7&8R rock right, recover, cross R over L
¾ Turn right, shuffle, Right Rock, recover, Left Rock, recover
9,10,11&12¼ turn right stepping back with L foot, ½ turn right stepping with R foot, shuffle forward L, R, L
13,14&Rock forward R, recover, step R together (switch weight)
15,16&Rock forward L, recover, step L together (switch weight)
Pivot ½, Shuffle, Rock, walk back sweeps (3)
17,18Step forward R, pivot ½ step left
19&20shuffle forward R, L, R
21,22,23,24Rock forward L, recover R, sweep L foot out and step back, sweep R, sweep L
Coaster step, Shuffle forward, Two Sailor Steps
25&26step L back, R together, L forward
27&28shuffle forward R, L, R
29,&30Cross L behind R, step R out, recover L
31,&32Cross R behind L, step L out, recover R
Restarts: Restart after count 28 on Wall 2, and after count 4 on Wall 5
TAG (After Wall 8): Cross Unwind, Left Grapevine with a turn, Right grapevine, touch
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, unwind full turn (slow, 4 full counts)
5,6,7,8Step L side, cross R behind, ¼ left and step L forward, R forward, pivot ½ left
9,10,11,12step L forward (1/4 turn left), step R side, cross L behind, step R side
13Touch L beside R
Contact: (jessroth@outlook.com) (https://www.facebook.com/JesseLineChoreography)
Left Kick and point, pivot and together, rock and cross (2x)
1&2L kick forward, touch L together, point R behind
3&4½ turn right with R knee popped(weight still on left), switch weight to R leg, touch L together
5&6L rock left, recover, cross L over R
7&8R rock right, recover, cross R over L
¾ Turn right, shuffle, Right Rock, recover, Left Rock, recover
9,10,11&12¼ turn right stepping back with L foot, ½ turn right stepping with R foot, shuffle forward L, R, L
13,14&Rock forward R, recover, step R together (switch weight)
15,16&Rock forward L, recover, step L together (switch weight)
Pivot ½, Shuffle, Rock, walk back sweeps (3)
17,18Step forward R, pivot ½ step left
19&20shuffle forward R, L, R
21,22,23,24Rock forward L, recover R, sweep L foot out and step back, sweep R, sweep L
Coaster step, Shuffle forward, Two Sailor Steps
25&26step L back, R together, L forward
27&28shuffle forward R, L, R
29,&30Cross L behind R, step R out, recover L
31,&32Cross R behind L, step L out, recover R
Restarts: Restart after count 28 on Wall 2, and after count 4 on Wall 5
TAG (After Wall 8): Cross Unwind, Left Grapevine with a turn, Right grapevine, touch
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, unwind full turn (slow, 4 full counts)
5,6,7,8Step L side, cross R behind, ¼ left and step L forward, R forward, pivot ½ left
9,10,11,12step L forward (1/4 turn left), step R side, cross L behind, step R side
13Touch L beside R
Contact: (jessroth@outlook.com) (https://www.facebook.com/JesseLineChoreography)