High Beginner Partner
Start on vocals (32 counts from the first upbeat)
Start position: The partners are facing each other, man's right shoulder facing lady's one, lady's right hand in man's one (at waist height).
The couples form a circle, men facing Line Of Dance (LOD)
* * Restart: Wall 2, dance until the end of section 6 (instrumental part), then restart the dance.
Man's footwork
Section 1: R side mambo, hold, L side mambo, hold
1-4Rock R to the R, recover onto L, R foot beside L, hold
5-8Rock L to the L, recover onto R, L foot beside R, hold
Section 2: R rumba box forward
1-4Step R to the R, L beside R, step R forward, hold
5-8Step L to the L, R beside L, L back step, hold
Partners release their right hands and are switching sides while making the rumba box (counts 3 and 7)
Section 3: R back rocking chair, R, L, R steps backward, hold
1-4R back rock, recover onto L, R rock forward, recover onto L
5-83 little steps backward R, L, R, hold
At the beginning of section 3, partners hold their R hands
Counts 5 to 7: partners raise their R arms as lady turns under arms
Section 4: Vine to the L, hitch + clap, vine to the R, hitch + clap
1-4Step L to the L, cross R behind L, step L to the L, R hitch + clap
5-8Step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, L hitch + clap
Partners release their right hands during section 4
Section 5: Step lock step L forward, R brush, step lock step R forward, L brush
1-4Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, brush R beside L
5-8Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L beside R
Partners hold their R hands during section 5 (at waist height)
Section 6: L rock step forward, L ½ T & step L forward, hold, step R fwd, L ½ T, touch R beside L, hold **
1-4Rock L forward, recover onto R, L ½ T & step L forward, hold
5-8Step R forward, L ½ T, touch R ball beside L, hold **
Partners release their R hands on counts 3 to 6. Counts 7-8, lady's right hand in man's one (at waist height)
Section 7: Vine to the R making a R ¼ T, brush, step L fwd, R ½ T, R ¼ T & L side step, hold
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, R ¼ T & step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8Step L forward, R ½ T, R ¼ T (on ball of R foot) & step L to the L, hold
Partners release their right hands on count 2.
On counts 3 to 5, man is facing OLOD.
On count 7, partners are facing each other, lady's right hand in man's right one and lady's left one in man's left one (arms are crossed at waist height, right ones above left ones).
Nota: Counts 1 to 3 (Vine): Take small steps so as to face your partner on count 7
Section 8: Hip bumps R, L, R, hold, L side step, together, step L fwd, hold
1-4Hip bump to the R, to the L, to the R, hold
5-8Step L to the L, R beside L, step L forward, hold
On count 5 partners release their left hands.
Lady's footwork
Section 1: R side mambo, hold, L side mambo, hold
1-4Rock R to the R, recover onto L, R foot beside L, hold
5-8Rock L to the L, recover onto R, L foot beside R, hold
Section 2: R rumba box forward
1-4Step R to the R, L beside R, step R forward, hold
5-8Step L to the L, R beside L, L back step, hold
Partners release their right hands and are switching sides while making the rumba box (counts 3 and 7)
Section3: R back mambo, L brush, L shuffle fwd making a R ½ T, hold
1-4R back rock, recover onto L, step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8R ¼ T & step L to the L, step R beside L, R ¼ T & L back step, hold
At the beginning of section 3, partners hold their R hands
Counts 5 to 7: partners raise their R arms as lady turns under arms
Section 4: Vine to the R, hitch + clap, vine to the L, hitch + clap
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, L hitch + clap
1-4Step L to the L, cross R behind L, step L to the L, R hitch + clap
Partners release their right hands during section 4
Section 5: Step lock step R forward, brush, step lock step L forward, hold
1-4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, brush R beside L
Partners hold their R hands during section 5 (at waist height)
Section 6: R rock step forward, R ½ T & step R forward, hold, L rock step fwd, L back step hold **
1-4Rock R forward, recover onto L, R ½ T & step R forward, hold
5-8Rock L forward, recover onto R, L back step, hold **
Partners release their R hands on counts 3 to 6. Counts 7-8, lady's right hand in man's one (at waist height)
Section 7: Vine to the R making a R ¼ T, brush, step L fwd, R ½ T, R ¼ T & L side step, hold
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, R ¼ T & step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8Step L forward, R ½ T, R ¼ T (on ball of R foot) & step L to the L, hold
Partners release their right hands on count 2.
On counts 4 to 6, lady is facing ILOD
On count 7, partners are facing each other, lady's right hand in man's right one and lady's left one in man's left one (arms are crossed at waist height, right ones above left ones).
Nota: Counts 1 to 3 (Vine): Take small steps so as to face your partner on count 7
Section 8: Hip bumps R, L, R, hold, L side step, together, L back step, hold
1-4 Hip bump to the R, to the L, to the R, hold
5-8Step L to the L, R beside L, L back step, hold
On count 5 partners release their left hands.
Have fun with this dance...
Start position: The partners are facing each other, man's right shoulder facing lady's one, lady's right hand in man's one (at waist height).
The couples form a circle, men facing Line Of Dance (LOD)
* * Restart: Wall 2, dance until the end of section 6 (instrumental part), then restart the dance.
Man's footwork
Section 1: R side mambo, hold, L side mambo, hold
1-4Rock R to the R, recover onto L, R foot beside L, hold
5-8Rock L to the L, recover onto R, L foot beside R, hold
Section 2: R rumba box forward
1-4Step R to the R, L beside R, step R forward, hold
5-8Step L to the L, R beside L, L back step, hold
Partners release their right hands and are switching sides while making the rumba box (counts 3 and 7)
Section 3: R back rocking chair, R, L, R steps backward, hold
1-4R back rock, recover onto L, R rock forward, recover onto L
5-83 little steps backward R, L, R, hold
At the beginning of section 3, partners hold their R hands
Counts 5 to 7: partners raise their R arms as lady turns under arms
Section 4: Vine to the L, hitch + clap, vine to the R, hitch + clap
1-4Step L to the L, cross R behind L, step L to the L, R hitch + clap
5-8Step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, L hitch + clap
Partners release their right hands during section 4
Section 5: Step lock step L forward, R brush, step lock step R forward, L brush
1-4Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, brush R beside L
5-8Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L beside R
Partners hold their R hands during section 5 (at waist height)
Section 6: L rock step forward, L ½ T & step L forward, hold, step R fwd, L ½ T, touch R beside L, hold **
1-4Rock L forward, recover onto R, L ½ T & step L forward, hold
5-8Step R forward, L ½ T, touch R ball beside L, hold **
Partners release their R hands on counts 3 to 6. Counts 7-8, lady's right hand in man's one (at waist height)
Section 7: Vine to the R making a R ¼ T, brush, step L fwd, R ½ T, R ¼ T & L side step, hold
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, R ¼ T & step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8Step L forward, R ½ T, R ¼ T (on ball of R foot) & step L to the L, hold
Partners release their right hands on count 2.
On counts 3 to 5, man is facing OLOD.
On count 7, partners are facing each other, lady's right hand in man's right one and lady's left one in man's left one (arms are crossed at waist height, right ones above left ones).
Nota: Counts 1 to 3 (Vine): Take small steps so as to face your partner on count 7
Section 8: Hip bumps R, L, R, hold, L side step, together, step L fwd, hold
1-4Hip bump to the R, to the L, to the R, hold
5-8Step L to the L, R beside L, step L forward, hold
On count 5 partners release their left hands.
Lady's footwork
Section 1: R side mambo, hold, L side mambo, hold
1-4Rock R to the R, recover onto L, R foot beside L, hold
5-8Rock L to the L, recover onto R, L foot beside R, hold
Section 2: R rumba box forward
1-4Step R to the R, L beside R, step R forward, hold
5-8Step L to the L, R beside L, L back step, hold
Partners release their right hands and are switching sides while making the rumba box (counts 3 and 7)
Section3: R back mambo, L brush, L shuffle fwd making a R ½ T, hold
1-4R back rock, recover onto L, step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8R ¼ T & step L to the L, step R beside L, R ¼ T & L back step, hold
At the beginning of section 3, partners hold their R hands
Counts 5 to 7: partners raise their R arms as lady turns under arms
Section 4: Vine to the R, hitch + clap, vine to the L, hitch + clap
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, L hitch + clap
1-4Step L to the L, cross R behind L, step L to the L, R hitch + clap
Partners release their right hands during section 4
Section 5: Step lock step R forward, brush, step lock step L forward, hold
1-4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, brush R beside L
Partners hold their R hands during section 5 (at waist height)
Section 6: R rock step forward, R ½ T & step R forward, hold, L rock step fwd, L back step hold **
1-4Rock R forward, recover onto L, R ½ T & step R forward, hold
5-8Rock L forward, recover onto R, L back step, hold **
Partners release their R hands on counts 3 to 6. Counts 7-8, lady's right hand in man's one (at waist height)
Section 7: Vine to the R making a R ¼ T, brush, step L fwd, R ½ T, R ¼ T & L side step, hold
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, R ¼ T & step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8Step L forward, R ½ T, R ¼ T (on ball of R foot) & step L to the L, hold
Partners release their right hands on count 2.
On counts 4 to 6, lady is facing ILOD
On count 7, partners are facing each other, lady's right hand in man's right one and lady's left one in man's left one (arms are crossed at waist height, right ones above left ones).
Nota: Counts 1 to 3 (Vine): Take small steps so as to face your partner on count 7
Section 8: Hip bumps R, L, R, hold, L side step, together, L back step, hold
1-4 Hip bump to the R, to the L, to the R, hold
5-8Step L to the L, R beside L, L back step, hold
On count 5 partners release their left hands.
Have fun with this dance...